Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/11/09/boat-shaped-like-a-zipper-pull-unzips-tokyos-sumida-river.html
Have zoom calls taught us nothing about videos and zippers? Look away before it’s too late!
Do you want a giant kraken dick to come out of Sumida River? Because this is how you get a giant kraken dick to come out of the Sumida River.
Was this by any chance sponsored by YKK?
it’s Japan. Anything revealed by the zipper would be blurred out.
Great. Boat shaped like a zip pull. Lots of shots from above, showing how the wake looks like a zipper undoing. Excellent. But no shots whatsoever showing its other boat-like attributes. No interior. Hardly a side-shot to be seen. And so on.
Yet another design and form-focused, strokey-beard, conceptual smart-arsery presentation shorn of all practicality. So, no, this is not (as yet) worthy of being called a boat, it is a piece of design performance art.
I saw it first at DesignBoom - a haven for such concepts.
Seeing how it actually looked and worked inside and out, all over, might have engendered more respect for the realisation of a neat concept.
I’m sure some weird physics Youtuber could figure out how to make a squared-off wake that looks like zipper teeth…
All very clever, but how is he going to zip it back up again?
This is like the most teasing of pr0n – unzip, but nothing appears. I rate it at one star.
The amount of work to make this sight gag come true is an inspiration to us all.
Practicality? It only needs to be a boat insofar as it facilitates the visual effect and doesn’t sink and ruin the effect. Stuff the boat, or the mcboaty aspects of the thing, it’s art (or, Art). Genius stuff, I reckon, but as with all things aesthetic, YMMV.
It’s art. I…I don’t think it’s supposed to work as a boat beyond being able to stay afloat for long enough to get the drone shots.
Yup. Vortex shedding.
Ferrybridge power station, 1965.
A staple in textbooks on structural engineering.
My new metal band name. (Though it might become Vortex Shredding.)
Indeed, catastrophic failure of a zipper is of some concern.
That’s why one of the best pieces of advice I ever received was to always have a safety pin on my keyring. Have needed it more than once.
Sounds dangerous.
A safety pin?