Bodies are weird

My ankles pop really loudly if I squat down slightly, usually happens early in the morning when I wake up. Or if I’ve been sitting for far too long. It’s not painful and has nothing to do with age. Been able to do it since I was pretty young.

Presumably only audible to you? I can do the same thing.

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It’s called cavitation, I get it in my knees (have since I was 8 at least), and it is generally harmless, like knuckle cracking.

Not sure if it still happens to me now, but when I was younger: If I listened to music on headphones, and it suddenly panned rapidly between channels, I’d get a pulsing sensation near my right kidney. Wasn’t painful, just odd.

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Getting conscious control over unconscious functions is neat. I have conscious control of the muscles at the sides of my eyes. By squeezing or relaxing them I can change my intra-ocular pressure, which is nice since I have a family history of glaucoma. My story isn’t quite as radiation heavy, though. When I was a kid I was watching something on TV that said that you can tell a fake smile from a real smile by looking at the sides of someone’s eyes because those muscles aren’t under conscious control. I thought, “Well, I’d better start practicing, then” because being able to fake a smile seemed like a really important skill. So it’s not so much a weird talent as just something that I imagine anyone can do with practice.

I’m pretty convinced there are a lot of unconscious functions that we can train ourselves to do. All we need is a situation that allows us to tell when we are doing them and when we are not, and from there we can think about what it is to do them and take over.

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When cleaning my left ear (right ear is unaffected) with a cotton swab (I know not the best but sometimes required) it almost always triggers a gag/cough reflex down about my tonsils area. Sometimes nearly to the point of being physically sick. About the same idea as sticking a finger down your throat, but more effective.

My wife thinks it is hilarious.


“City girls just seem to find out early, how to open doors with just a smile.” (Eagles)


“Oh you poor man, what are you taking for it?”

“Pepper,” he replies.




Does it happen when you step on something or just before? Perhaps you have a guardian who tries to warn you about stepping on stuff…


My freak feature is my rubber skin – mostly my elbows…
It can be stretched out several inches (I think that I was meant to be much larger). Never noticed until I was in my teens… My friend’s cat attacked me from behind and bit my elbow and just started pulling (sitting on floor playing cards) – she was tenacious. My friends were just rolling with laughter and then spent the rest of the evening (and the next few weeks) requesting demonstrations.

My physiological outlier is my core temp – about 97.2 F (36.2 C)


This reminds me of watching Kung Fu movies as a kid. I actually practiced and almost mastered cracking all my fingers by making a fist! I can still audibly crack my fingers but I stopped practicing because it was just too painful.

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When my ankles pop it sounds exactly like billiard balls smacking together. This is getting less common with age.

There ain’t no way to hide your lyin’ eyes.


My left index finger can bend back past 45° without pushing against anything. all my other fingers can only manage about 30-40°. I doubt I am unique but when I have mentioned it to other peope no one else has said they can do it, plenty have said they can’t.

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I had a girlfriend whose left pinkie would do that, however, it would usually get “stuck” in that position and require a manual reset.

I have a turquoise colored spot of about 3 x 3 mm under one of my thumb nails. I first noticed it about 15 years ago, but it could have been there longer. I don´t really know how it got there, but my theory is that I stabbed myself accidentally with a colored pen and it´s something like a tattoo under my nail. The strange thing is, I don´t remember stabbing myself that way and I suppose it would have hurt a lot. Of course, it´s also reasonable to assume it´s some kind of microchip that aliens or the CIA put there in my sleep.


I’ve got this rash…

You can see Jesus in it…


But that’s not weird. Literally everyone has that.