Boomers are news-illiterate couch vegetables stuck in front of their yelling, ad-saturated TVs


No Netflix for you!


On the other hand - most of the people on the wrong side of the demo’s in Charlottesville and the leading alt right figures are in their 30’s.


Sure - but someone older may actually have more years immersed in internet culture than someone younger.


I think that is consistent with my assertion. The fascists we have consumed a truly malicious subset of the internet in their formative years. My beef with baby boomers is generally that they are absolutely blind to this generations economic and social struggles that they (for the most part) accidentally created, but I don’t see them pushing an agenda to eradicate me. Two different kinds of problems, both owed in part to their media environment.


Now let’s compare that graph to the voting percentages for each demographic group.


Everyone is blind to others needs to some extent.


Which is a response to the “millennials are the reason your life sucks” stories from before then - which also hasn’t gone away.


After all, we did build it. :slight_smile:


Kathy’s posing of sarcasm as management jargon is surely an intentional addition of Gen X to the intergenerational-warfare semiotic inception layers.


For the record the last functional TV in my home was in the early 80’s. The lack of depth in this thing pisses me off. One point of consideration for some of the people who do suck on the boob tube might be their declining visual abilities as they age. There are far fewer paper news sources now than there was years ago so that too might explain some things. The ability to navigate around on the internet probably is a factor for some of the over 50 people. For people who listen to radio the choices are pretty much shit as well. AM radio is a vast desert of right wing loonies howling at the moon. FM might have NPR but that’s been gutted by right wing budget slashers. A lot of reasons might be factors other than just the statement implying how ignorant old boomers are and how prone they are to right wingers. Poor old Bernie’s so god damn old there’s no classification for his age range. Had I been born 2 months soon I’d be too old to be a boomer myself. Just fuck a bunch of smug-ass stereotypers anyway.


You know, I’m 45, and I’m having a hard time nowadays both watching the news as TV or following them in video format over the internet.

It has to do with the fact that if I do so, I end up having to watch and hear a newsclip with awful people that are also awful speakers and complete idiots and liars. By the kind of news I follow that means I would be hearing US Trump talk, then Venezuela’s Maduro talk, then Spain’s Rajoy, then UK’s May. Or any of their servitors who arent much better.

Just give me the news in text, please. If I see or hear any of those assholes anymore I’m going to end with my fist on the screen.


Sure - exceptions usually do exist.

The info Rob presented in his post doesn’t claim that 100% of boomers prefer to get their news by watching TV.

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Protip: generations aren’t real.


[Younger adults] often get news at equal or higher rates than older Americans, whether intentionally or not.

Good thing they got that qualifier in a the end. Can’t imply that young people are intelligent, can we? Also, they need to get off my lawn.


You are always welcome to respond to me directly.


You spelled statisticians wrong there. And psychologists. And so on…

I almost left that last part of the sentence (from the original article) out of my quote of it, but realized I had to leave it in. That line does a lot of work.



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Responding directly to jokes is bad form.