Bradley Manning NOT GUILTY of aiding enemy, but convicted of violating espionage act


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“…or to leave the courtroom until permitted by the judge.” Soo are they still there? Are we going to need to start sending them food next week?

He had between five and ten charges of the espionage act levied against him. It’s still a life sentence if the judge goes consecutively on it. And he already got at least 20 years for the earlier plea deals. He’s still not likely to leave Leavenworth alive.

Poor brave bastard. With any luck in the near-ish future we’ll have a president not completely enthralled with the national surveillance apparatus who’ll commute his sentence; such a shame that Obama isn’t that president.

Also, Adrian Lamo deserves to have his bed short-sheeted every night for the rest of his life. What a dick.


I was under the impression that Breanna Manning had identified herself as a woman. It is extremely transphobic to continue to use her birth name. I expect better off this blog.

[citation needed]

Well, it’s up in the air on whether or not that was something that was permanant or a passing fad or some attempt to get sectioned out of the military.

His own lawyers refer to him as Bradley. I’m going with that.


Yeah, this is the first time I’d actually ever heard of this.

The last I heard (I can’t find the source, I’m afraid), Manning said during the trial that he was identifying as male at this time. My guess is that this is not his genuine personal preference but was done to minimize issues about his identity, which is a terrible thing to have to do. Still, it’s his choice whether to be out or not, and I respect his wishes whatever the cause.

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I see Wired is still being coy about Adrian Lamo’s lies and Wired’s own role in covering them up.

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He’s requested he be referred to as Bradley and as a man, last I’d seen. It seems a bit disrespectful that you wouldn’t follow his wishes.

Real American Hero. All the best to him.


I’m getting really tired of reading endless “man or woman” arguments about Manning, is there a definitive source anywhere on what Manning’s official and latest stance on this is?

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I’ve read the claim that Private Manning prefers “Breanna” but only via third-hand web comments. Barring a public statement to that effect from Manning or an official representative it seems most respectful to stick with the Private’s legal name.

For those of you who want to follow it live, recall that EST is EDT-1…

Adrian Lamo deserves to have his bed short-sheeted every night for the rest of his life. What a dick.



I’m getting really tired of reading endless “man or woman” arguments about Manning, is there a definitive source anywhere on what Manning’s official and latest stance on this is?

Not sure, but there was a huge discussion on it here:

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I’m curious too.

I remember that at the time this came about, Bradley was trying to get medical attention for some psychological issues regarding basically being a conscientious objector. It needs to be done correctly, but like I said, even his lawyers are calling him Bradley, and that’s the only representation of him we have.

There were also rumors that the transgenderism was some sort of government plot to discredit him as someone who was mentally unstable. The chat logs seem to disprove this, but, again, I have no idea how serious he was and only have current events to go off of.

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Kangaroo court. What a miscarriage of justice.

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If I may; the precise nature of the Private’s privates is a private matter.