Britain stops making 1p and 2p coins, for now at least

Not even that. Everybody calls and it is a fairly boring game of “Who got dealt the best hand?” rather than of bluff and counter bluff.

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My god you lot are boring! In our house it’s all-in and damn paying the rent, why just last weekend I won 25c! :rofl:


No tuppence? This is really going to hit the birdseed retail industry hard.



I remember that some guy came to home to sell Cutco knives. One of the scripted ploys was to ask someone for a penny-- which would then be sliced oh so easily. Mom, being a thrifty sort, gave the poor guy a Canadian penny-- which doesn’t have the zinc content, and is much tougher to cut…


Too bad they got rid of the thrup’ny bit when they decimalised.

I see two coins on the ground: a quarter and a penny. I’ll pick the quarter up, and the penny only if it’s heads sides up for good luck. I’d probably then give them both to the next homeless person I see since I don’t even need quarters for parking any more.

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Technically illegal if it’s in Canada: Currency Act, RSC 1985, c C-52, s 11(1) retrieved on 2019-08-08

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To be fair the Cutco scissors are tough, I’ve seen a guy do a spiral cut around a quarter and turn it into a corkscrew!

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Very punny (given the coin you used).


Just remember that it will be still be lillegal to re-use old pre-31st bank notes as toilet paper.

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Remember you can also sharpen them and sew them into the brim of your cap/hat for a DIY Oddjob effect.

Sadly a top hat is not very aerodynamic, the bowler really does work better. OTOH, toffs will of course have chaps with bowlers and big sticks to do their fighting for them.

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