I may have been less than clear, as you seem to have missed my point.
Of course I’m not comparing this singular act of removing a painting directly to Naziism. That would be silly and unnecessarily hyperbolic. What I’m doing, and what a lot of people in the thread were doing was to point out the end destination of the road that this small act of petty political prudishness puts us on.
Also, I accept that a really strong push back against a small incident like this may have looked a little silly, but had there not been such a strong reaction, that painting would be gone, and we’d be one more salami slice down the first paragraph of Faranheit 451. Then next time, they’ll push a little bit further.
So I don’t mind if people think I’m overreacting now, because history has taught us that if we ignore petty regressiveness like this, if we ignore baby steps on this road , and only start to complain when we reach repressive totalitarian acts, well, that’s too late to do anything about it.