Bugs with the new BBS system

Just noticed this one - if you click on “Show Full Post” in the first post of a Boing thread to expand the BoingBoing post, then click on like, the BoingBoing expansion disappears.

Here’s the crazy that nested quoting gets you (I used print view because raisins):

While it is a mildly entertaining conversation, nobody needs to read that first post eight times.

Chrome on win7 (not tried it on my 'nix box, is GF’s laptop), when you hit ‘older entries’ it b0rks the URL and it comes up as boingboing.net/page1/page/2 and 404s. Also, trying to enter a smiley on stock Android browser disappears the reply box completely, and require futzing to bring it back (though this could be my Captain Awkward Space-Marine Chinaphone).

(ETA: Derp. That’s a mainpage bug, isn’t it? My point still stands vis a vis the smiley thing though).

This morning, when I’m clicking on the button to show replies to posts, it’s bouncing me right to the top of the page every time - win 7 & chrome. Anyone else getting this? Also, I’ve got a hangover. Is there some sort of patch I can download for that?

It’ll treat your nausea. But be sure to drink plenty of water.

Water? Eurgh. My reaction to council pop is akin to Captain Haddock’s. I’ll have some more tea.

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Whatever floats your boat mate, be it water or tea :wink:

Hmm, have not seen that. Try a hard refresh? (ctrl + f5)

Yeah, that works, but only on the particular thread. I keep having to do it every time I look at a topic. It is most probably something to do with her machine, I imagine. My previous post vis a vis smileys b0rking android browser still stands though.

Whats the the misdated links in main BBS posts on occasion?

Also the miniquadcopter for the posted to the bbs days ago now finally showed up in the main site with todays date in the URL.

You should see how things show up in RSS…

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If you’re looking at the “Replies” pull-down under a parent comment, and highlight part of a message and hit “Quote Reply”, the quote is attributed to the parent commenter rather than the actual commenter.

That’s an odd use case indeed… but I see what you mean.