Bugs with the new BBS system

For the last couple days the Show Full Post button has been missing in just under half of all the BoingBoing auto-created threads I’ve viewed. This has occurred both logged-in, in Firefox, on a laptop & logged-out, in Safari, on an iPad. This has also happened both at work and at home. Refreshing the thread will make the button appear.


have been meaning to report this for the last few days as well.

saw that you had a post ITT from my notification feed and was all “oh yeah, I’ll click thru, read his, then report mine.”

so: same-sies.

Can you link me to one that is broken? I took an (admittedly) quick peek at half a dozen topics and couldn’t see one that was missing.

It isn’t consistent.

The Black Widow one definitely was earlier, so was the deleted scenes one.

So the bug might be that it initially doesn’t show up, then does later?


Seems to be.

just getting on today, so not sure how it is now; but yes, yesterday it was pretty much every post was missing the button when I clicked thru to it, but it always appeared when I refreshed

oh, PS firefox latest with an old mac OS


Last night @codinghorror managed to reproduce the bug and today I cut out a fix. Sorry it took so long to figure out what was going on:


Why am I suddenly getting unread notifications on threads I haven’t clicked to at all?

Not sure, can you screenshot it? What does the notification control at the bottom of the topic say? (the one that has Regular, Tracking, Watched options in it?)

Natch, it’s not happening anymore.

Not sure if this counts as a bug or a missing feature, but here goes: Is there any plan to support nested quotes in the near future? I’m seeing more and more discussions where people are quoting both the person they’re replying to and the person that person was replying to, like this discussion over here.

Mindysan33’s post in that chain quoted Anonymouse’s original post several times, and each time the quote block was expandable to see the entire post with the quote in context. But Anonymouse’s reply, which included nested quotes, only linked back to the post he was replying to and the quotes were not expandable. Is this because the nested quotes broke the expanding feature some how?

We sort of support it a little but we do not want to support it so much that we end up encouraging it. Nested quoting is a disastrous reading experience. Nobody wants to play Inception while they read.

Searching all of someone’s posts seems to have been broken; it used to be that show more expanded the list, but now it is going to a topic search page that no longer relates to the author in question.

Okay, I can understand the intent. However it still looks broken. AnonyMouse’s post includes several nested quotes, and if you don’t want to make those into the interactive quote boxes then there should be some indication that those are quotes without displaying the raw code.

Also, what I still think is an actual bug: In that post the quote boxes don’t expand to show the original post they quote from with the quote highlighted. This is unlike most other quote boxes on the BBS which is why I think it’s a bug.

Yes, @sam has switched us to the first iteration of full page search. So clicking or tapping “more” (outside of within topic search) will take you to full page search results. Feedback welcome as we work on this more next week.

There are multiple failed edits in that post. The metadata for the quotes all say “full:true” so it looks like they used the first toolbar button (quote entire post) then manually chopped up the quote into multiple quotes by copying and pasting and editing.

So I would chalk this particular one down to quirks of editing, rather than a systemic quote-within-quote issue. You certainly don’t see a lot of quote-within-quote here, ideally people will highlight individual sections they want to quote and push the button.

Clicking the </> button in the message entry box with nothing highlighted inserts

Highlighting part of a line before clicking it surrounds the text with the ` character. Highlighting an entire line just indents the text by four spaces.

The mouseover text for the button reads

However, neither <pre> nor <code> seem to function as intended. (I inserted those just now with ampersand-lt; and ampersand-gt;. ) For instance, <pre><em></pre> renders as nothing . I used [code]<pre><em></pre>[/code] for that line just now.

Something is surely not right here? (Maybe several somethings?)

Let’s see, a pre block

This is a pre block

Looks ok to me, man.

This is a pre block

Remember pre is a block level element, code is a span level element like this