Huh - anyone else have the BBS stop working in Fire Fox?


Huh - this morning, things were fine. Then when I refreshed the page went blank.

Any new BBS window is blank. I can view source and a bunch of code comes up… If I didn’t refresh an old page, it would update with new posts.

Thinking it was me, I show down FF and opened it again, now all the tabs are blank for the BBS. Main site is fine.

So I was like huh - and copy pasted a link in Chrome. Came right up.

I am on a Mac, if that matters.

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Looks normal to me so far. (Firefox/Linux)

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I don’t see any problems in Firefox on the Windows 10 computer in my office, but I don’t have a Mac here to check. Have you tried clearing your cache (I guess it’s “clear recent history” in FF)?

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Cache Clearing worked! Thanks. That was weird.


Yeah, that’s always the first thing I try when something goes wrong in a browser. Next would have been “have you tried turning it off an on again,” of course.



Same here. No problems for me, with same configuration (Firefox on a linux machine).

And looks like the problem was fixed before I even bothered showing up!

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