Over the last few weeks, we’ve (ok, I’ve) been playing with the caching we do here at Boing Boing for the main site.
We’ve used more-or-less the same setup for several years now, and it has mostly behaved, occasional weird out of sync archives and whatnot notwithstanding.
We have just (as of about an hour ago) transitioned to an entirely different vendor and an entirely different setup. I’ve tried to be proactive where I could about ensuring our various pages (like /blog and /ascii, as well as page archives) are updated properly for the new cache, but I may have missed things.
Additionally, the new cache also tries to help give you images sized appropriately for your browser, supports brotli, HTTP3/QUIC, and minifies js/css hopefully allowing for faster (and smaller) page loads.
SO! That’s a lot to change at once. If you happen to see anything out of the ordinary, feel free to pipe up here and I’ll take a look.
Also: This has nothing at all to do with ads, which do not load from us. I know the ad loads cause all sorts of issues on pageload, but it’s not something I can fix. No point in reporting them to me. My changes strictly affect the page itself, the css/js that load said page, and images loaded on said page.