Catch 22 links to bbs from article

Had a number of posts that when you click on the “discuss in our forums” brings the article back up with the discuss in our forums now appearing in a red background. And no matter how many times you click you keep getting the article not the bbs entry if it exists.
One example was

Another was the bear through the cat flap. Not going to get url since my phone does not play nice with the bbs editor

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Yeah, this is the link to the forum on the Snoopy vs. Peanuts post:

<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="$('#comments-container').slideDown(); $(this).fadeOut();">Discuss this post in our forums</a>

It’s not happening consistently.

I saw at least three different people complain about this in threads today.

I can probably dig up links if it matters, but they all checked out for me later. @Falcor hit one as well and it was good by that time.

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Still going on, except now it replaces the link with a period instead of the red button.

I’d reckon more than half the stories I’ve clicked on aren’t working right.


I got a like from @codinghorror on that comment, so I think they’re working in it. I hope. Anyway I “atted” him, so he’s going to see this again.

Good point. I meant to edit to add an @codinghorror when i got back to my computer

They are.

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Top men?


Top men.


Yes it looks like the switch to HTTPS may have caused some snafus, we are looking at it with @orenwolf


OK I think we finally resolved this, was some TCP/IP config funkiness on our end. Sorry aboot that.