Building a raised bed garden planter

Oh noes!
Container gardening it is, then.
I wasn’t suggesting she do the work. I was hoping you lived closer than… well, than you do.

Argh again.

I had a bunch of containers / planters with flowers in them for my mom just outside her kitchen, before she passed. She just loved flowers so much. (I moved her to ATX so we could keep track of her, and yeah I worked her flowers after she got too frail to do it.)

Good luck, and I really mean that.
I hope y’all are able to take care of each other in a smooth, drama-free, positive way. I hear you about elderly parents.


That’s so sweet. Fortunately, we’ve always had a good relationship. Unfortunately, there is zero chance of her moving to NY, even though I aggressively push her to every time we talk. I do really pine for an alternate reality where we can garden together (or I garden while she keeps the Littlest Pea from ripping flowers up!). I’d even take the alternative of tending a little bit of beauty just for her. :heart:


When we bought our house near Boston 12 years ago, we were lucky to have a nice yard, and there was plenty of sunlight, so we put in a raised bed (with new soil and root barriers because of the lead I mentioned earlier) and grew lettuces and tomatoes.

Over time the trees surrounding us grew and grew. A copse of maples on one side, and a big black walnut on the other. New houses sprung up next to us a well, in what used to be the neighbors’ back yards.

Now we have shade, and so no vegetable garden. But we do still have a lovely yard, even when other people’s yards have had new buildings put in. I don’t resent the buildings, because people need to live somewhere, and cities are efficient and good for the planet. And I definitely don’t resent the tall trees – heck, if it were all forest I wouldn’t be able to have a vegetable garden either.

It’s definitely a little sad that my kids aren’t growing up learning to garden, but I’ll be thankful for what we’ve got.


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