California voters approve Prop 22, exempting gig workers from labor law

I imagine Elon Musk began uncontrollably salivating.


Oh, I almost forgot, it wasn’t just web ads.

They sent out push notifications in their apps telling people to vote yes on 22 to “save rideshare”. From what I hear, they also forced drivers to watch misleading video ads before they could sign into the app and start taking fares.

I forgot about that because I uninstalled Lyft the first time they sent out a notification about 22 and resolved to only use licensed city cabs on the rare occasion I need a ride somewhere.

[I’ve only taken two cab trips since March, one in a Lyft and one in a city cab. The city cab had a plastic barrier taped up separating the passenger row from the driver, which made me feel much safer.]


I don’t have the Uber app installed, but I had Lyft. I got tired of their stoopid-ass push notification campaign ads coming through, so I uninstalled it.

Yep, same thought crossed my mind. And why not go with the traditional cabs? In the very infrequent and very informal comparisons I’ve made taking both app-based and traditional cab rides, the prices can vary widely, from app-based being 50% of a cab to them being the same price.


" more than $200m spent by Uber and other other firms."
Aaaand they’re still not profitable!

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