Can you accept your loved one’s political choices?

I don’t know about the rest of you, but as for myself, if I went back in time I would be one of those people that I strongly disagreed with. Having learned more history over time, experienced more situations, and just general life experience with an open mind has dramatically changed the way that I view some things. It’s also made me more tolerant of how others view things.

So I don’t really fault a few of my older relatives who lived through different times and see things in light of different experiences, even though I don’t agree with them. Nor do I fault one of my younger relatives whose views I’m pretty sure will be radically altered as time passes and his life changes.


Agreed. I’m pretty flexible about most things, but I can’t imagine continuing to respect my wife is she was a Trump supporter. Not necessarily the support itself, but the fact that it symbolizes that she is either deeply stupid or a bad person. Thankfully, she is neither.

One of the people who raised me is my complete opposite on matters political and adheres to every talking point of that side no matter how illogical or easily disproven. So what? I still love em with all my heart.


I don’t think he cares… he’s hoping to get an appointment out of this whole thing.


If those political choices are at most, reasonable differences, yes. yes, I can.

But if those political choices are BURN IT ALL DOWN. IF THEY RESIST, KILL THEM, then no.

The liberal hegemony must survive!


How successful do you think a Kickstarter would be if it was to get Lin Manuel Miranda to make a musical about Christy which is basically a retelling of Faust with Trump as a stand in for the devil?


You know the adage “blood is thicker than water”?

That’s actually incomplete and decontextualized. The full quote is: “the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”

Meaning that the people who you choose to be with are on more solid ground than those you are with just by happenstance of genetics.


Maybe better than being unhappy about somebody’s low expectations of me.

This is also where I am with much of my immediate family. Most of them are single-issue voters, but unfortunately those single issues are “anti-choice” and “anti-gun control” with a little bit of “anti-Clinton” thrown in there because they watch too much Fox News.

So many discussions with these family members turned into “…but Clinton’s emails…” or “…but the Clinton Foundation…” and when I brought up that Trump hasn’t revealed anything about his taxes or foreign investments, they respond with “…but Clinton…” I’ve come to the conclusion that they trust Trump more because they KNOW that he’s keeping secrets from them, whereas they aren’t sure if Clinton still is or not.



All relationships are conditional and if you start to find someone too odious or toxic to be around you should be around them less.


If those older relatives are full on racist, damn straight I blame them. My older relatives have not lived easy lives, but there’s no excuse for racism. Same thing for believing in conspiracy theories and low information stuff.

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I actually have an uncle that I recently cut ties with after he kept posting stuff about September 11th. I called him on it and said something about how he’d end up a Sandy Hook truther or moon denier if he wasn’t careful.

“Well, actually…” he responded, and I just cut it off right there. Fucking moon denier. In my own family. Sometimes you just don’t see it coming.


Lunar eclipse?



Of course then there’s the adage-addendum “so is toothpaste…”

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Is this person a rabid anti-Semite?

There’s always some limit to what we ought to tolerate in the name of love. The question is where to draw that line.


OMG, thank you so much! That was a good new thing to learn today.


Suggestion #5 -

Try to keep politics from being a controlling influence in your daily life. There are many other aspects of how we relate to one another.

(confession - I am still working on this and am by no means someone to emulate)


We could all do well to remember that and try to practice it.

But as @Brainspore noted above, we have to figure out what our limits our regarding that. Somethings are made political against our wishes/ability to control. If someone is spouting incredibly offensive things are part and parcel of their political beliefs, we all have to figure out how much we can listen to and deal with and act from there.