Can you find the iPhone that a woman dropped on the carpet?

edit: btw there seems to be a lack of good flame war t-shirts.


Maybe all the good graphic designers who also troll are otherwise occupied?


I should get to know my company’s designers. I just realized I don’t really know my company’s social structure outside of IT. And within IT I know the 5 man (until recently 5 men + 1 woman) team I work in the same office with best, and not even very well.

I blame my personal tendency to avoid bonding with anyone


I’ve known more than a few techies with reclusive or introverted tendencies; it’s fairly common in my experience.

Machines, programs and code are predictable & logical; they make sense.

Interpersonal human interactions, though? Not so much.


I know those feels, bro.

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I’m better than some, worse than others. Man, do I tread water like a badass.

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Back when I lived in a house decorated by goths, we used to “lose” our black kitten every time he closed his eyes.


Nowhere near as bad as spending twenty minutes attempting to drunkenly remove your contact lenses before you remember that you wore your glasses that night.


That’s always better than “sinking.”


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Ouch. Like trying to light the wrong end of a cigarette.

I’ve done that.

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That’s one of the defining tendencies of being a geek I think. Self selecting in a way, because the computer becomes a refuge from all those irrational people (and also allows you to moderate your interactions with other people on your own terms, as I’m doing right now).


This is why I carry a feature phone.

I dropped my carpet on an iPhone and now I can’t find it.

Wow that took me a while. And some very structured searching.

I couldn’t find it and then didn’t want to continue looking. It reminds me of those “can you see the animal hiding in these surroundings?” pics, most of which the answer to is “No. I must go now, my planet needs me.”

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I saw it immediately. I don’t understand why anyone would have trouble finding it?

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Lighten up. It was a joke.

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Yep. Wish I were more mindful to apply that advice.

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More astonishing is the aspect of how it landed…

I concur.

Unfortunately, that’s also a good way to miss out on familiarity and actual intimacy.

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