Canada's former defense minister: aliens will give us tech if we quit wars

I would have thought that part of being tight with God would be that one wouldn’t need to ride some donkey between encampments of middle eastern goat herders like the rest of these bronze age peasants, he could give you a literal enough Deus ex Machina lift to wherever you need to go. I’ll let WFS ask again: :smile:

It’s well known that the precondition for alien contact is the acquisition of warp drive.

This guy is Ramsey Clark^2

Not just Asteroids, of course, but also super volcanoes, viruses and badgers.

paraphrasing Gandalf, “God is a strong proud being and not one to cater to just any whim”
so there you have it :slight_smile:

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I am no expert by no means, but most ancient artefacts are not weapons as far as I know.
And why is quantity an issue? If you have 50000 warriors of course you need 50000 weapons. If you have 50000 citizens you may not have 50000 iron plates, but you may have 50000 or more metal coins. After all iron must have been expensive back then and of limited supply. But I still do not think that the use of iron was speficly discovered for use at wars.
You might have in mind medieval times from which armor and weapons are very imposing and therefore used for modern ornamental reasons.

"… I know what’s really going on, Stuart. I know it’s the queers. They’re in it with the aliens. They’re building landing strips for gay Martians. I swear to God!

You know what Stuart, I like you. You’re not like the other people, here in the trailer park."


Three words: Precious. Bodily. Fluids.

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This guy seems to be a fan of the original Day the Earth Stood Still. If you haven’t seen it, the aliens basically give humanity a warning to stop waging war or else.

. . .or they’d inflict us with Keanu Reeves ??? I kept waitng for Klaatu to turn to the camera, and do some air guitar. . . .:slight_smile:

I fOunD mY CaT yeSteRdaY…
I wouLd’Ve FouNd hiM SoONer, bUt My laWnMowER hAs a BaG.


We were stocking the cooler yesterday and my boss said “The man said ‘keep your head and arms inside the mixer at all times’”

to which I immediately replied “But Bill, Jr., he was a daredevil! Just like his old man…(etc)”

It was a definite teambuilding moment.

I’m not an expert either, but I would guess that most ancient iron artifacts are in fact weapons. Quantity is important because if most ancient iron artifacts are weapons that indicates that iron was probably most important for its use in warfare – specifically because iron weapons could pierce shields made of bronze which would have been used by most heavy infantry at the time.

At this point in history we have no way of definitively settling any question about the discovery of iron working but based on the circumstantial evidence that is available warfare is probably the most plausible explanation for the development of iron working.

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