Car Wars: a dystopian science fiction story about the nightmare of self-driving cars

Yeah well I have enough big game stuff with warhammer40k, and Space Hulk ( 2 copies of first edition, 1 copy of each the expansion, 1 copy of 2nd edition, 1 copy of 3rd) and even though I have all I need to play I think I will break down and get the new Blood Bowl because the new game components are really sweet.

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You make quite a good point there, just kind of book-ended with a baffling level of sarcasm.

(& @TobinL)

I still have regular Ogre & GEV and the Ogre Book. Never got into the maxi-miniatures. Solo play has always been possible since the first Metagaming edition but playing with friends was always better.


Well done, Cory. I think I need to go listen to “Red Barchetta” a couple of times now.

A slightly different take on the future of driving, along a path we are already headed:

I have those too. I used to have a bunch of the minis and played with them a few times but not after moving to Seattle. I sold the minis and rulebook etc to a gamer down in Portland who would use them.

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If I really wanted to I’m sure I could find someone to 3D print some minis

I just peeked and they are making some new plastic ones in scale for the new big version of the game. They look nice. Then again the new printing tech makes the counters look really sweet in the new edition, nice enough I don’t mind using them compared to movies.

Same here. LOTS of chits.

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Imagine it being all pewter minis… Okay it does look awesome on the table, but the new chits are a so pretty I don’t mind em not being minis.


Remember SJG’s “Cardboard Heroes”? Those were awesome for us kids who couldn’t afford pewter minis. Plus Denis Loubet art! I met him once when I visited SJG as a boy. Nice guy!


Also SJG now sells lots of PDFs of these and more

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BTW: a fun timewaster for the old Car Wars fans.


“This is the new Lexus Rubbernecker.” :wink:

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After software for self-driving cars has managed to eliminate any possibility of slowing down to rubber-neck, the “Lexus Rubbernecker” will probably be aimed at exhibitionists and have an all glass body with plenty of interior illumination. (Sorry.)

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Isn’t that the new Dodge Dogger, for the dedicated exhibitionist. :wink:

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1nfos3c crossed my mind, but i really voted No because of, which is where the the law would surely go

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Very good. :slight_smile:
The Volkswagen Voyeur?
Semi-serious point: with speed, acceleration, etc all much of a muchness once software is in charge (heavily regulated), the car industry’s differentiators will be all about interior decoration and fittings. The Mercedes Plutocrat will have a leather armchair and deep carpets, while the Honda Granny will have chintz everywhere and one of those seats that lifts you up and presents your walking stick ready for use. The Dodge Dogger will no doubt not be called that but there WILL be a model with appropriate “features” (I will not elucidate further) for that market segment. The Vauxhall SalesRep will have a short wardrobe rail and a couple of coathangers.
I’m going to stop now - this could get too silly.

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I guess there will be “comfort settings” too; so that you will be able to priorities your journey for speed (maximum, eye juggling levels of acceleration and deceleration) versus ride comfort.

God forbid they ever program a “Sunday afternoon driver with a trilby” mode.(Though, knowing regulators, that will probably be the default.)


1998 CR-V two-litre petrol here, 230k miles, hope to see 300k. Happy motoring!


CR-Vs are fantastic. Represent!