Caterpillar padlocks all use the same key

Probably it was simply a matter of just starting to do it. I mean what would you do? Drive a stairway in front of it?

I just hadn’t thought it all the way through before that incident. Once you’ve got the engines turning, it’s open sky. The controllers in the tower or ground operations were probably instantly aware that something was amiss, but either one could be convinced it was just a routine taxi operation from a hangar to a gate… up until the point he lined up on the runway and took off.

It’s traditional (in the U.S.). Futility Closet had a logic puzzle where you had to work out why, after someone got their neighbour in an apartment block to water their plants, they both had their locks changed. [Spoiler] apparently ALL the doors in the block opened with the same key! True story, and it seems there were a bunch of apartment blocks like that.

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