There used to be lots of articles about Zappos and how they treated their workers well. Then they got bought by Amazon and after a few years those stories dried up. I wonder if it is still a great place to work full of respected and dedicated people. Somehow I doubt that it is.
How do I get my manager to read and understand this?
By quitting and going to work for a company that does.
No. They’re Republicans. Anyone to the left of Attila the Hun is a Socialist or a Communist. They probably imagine that National Socialists were commies!
Three and a half years ago I was laid off from my job where I was making about $75K (I live in the SF Bay Area, one of the most expensive areas to live in the country). It took me 17 months to find another part-time job. I was eventually hired full-time at about $25K less than that. Now that I’m entering my third year here, I’ve asked for more money. I’ve been told I will be on probation for 3 months, have to make minimal mistakes, and then they’ll consider. The kicker: I work for a consumer advocate nonprofit!
Have you watched the movie “A Clockwork Orange”?. The “treatment room” scenes?.
Yes, and points out the simple fact that paying CEOs and other top execs crazy high salaries is not the sign of a profitable and successful company.
Are there any other kind?
They have the same mentality as all slavers everywhere… use 'em up, wear 'em out, & remind 'em they are easily replaced.
Those buffoons certainly wouldn’t know Socialism if it kicked 'em in the nethers.
70k/year certainly aren’t welfare wages; just goes to show how out of touch with Reality that Fauxers are.
unadulterated bullshit snipped
Ah, El Rushbo, you worthless, evil Fascist bastard! You left us far too late; about 40 years too late.
Futility Closet did an interesting episode about Nash. I recommend it, but … spoilers:
When Nash died, the company sort of fell apart. It seems the concept only worked due to Nash himself. I hope that isn’t the case for Gravity, and that the company works like this for as long as it exists, Dan Price or no Dan Price.
I’ve long said, if a company is making record profits, it’s either short-changing its employees, or cheating its customers (hint: it’s both).
Whenever I see a clickbait story about some enlightened company’s HR policies, I check glassdoor for employee reviews. Inevitably it turns out the PR spin about the company’s HR environment is not quite the whole story. Unsurprisingly, also the case here.
After a few hundred fellow employees follow suit, it just might work.
The people who wrote that script almost certainly do have some idea of what socialism is and is not. The point is that they didn’t care, and wrote a script saying that this was ‘socialism’ because they write propaganda. That’s the point of Fox News.
Their viewers probably don’t know what socialism is because they watch Fox News, and that’s where they’ve got their information from.
If I was feeling conspiratorial I’d say something like “Who’s interest do you think it’s in for people to think socialism is a bad thing?”, but while there might be some of that kind of thinking at Fox, I think mostly it’s just a way to keep their viewers watching, so they can sell to advertisers, so they get to keep their jobs, and get paid enough to have a house and put food on the table.
Maybe if everyone at Fox got paid $70k they’ve be less scared and angry and well, a bit more nice?
Had a chuckle at this one
didn’t fail
outlasted Rush
They’d try to get on the dole if they were paid so little as “television entertainers”. That’s what their rant is on about - they’re so far out of touch with what the poverty line really is that they think it must be this magic $70k number.
It says right in the name that they were socialists! Can they not read German? (/s, so much /s)
I’ve literally seen them argue that the National Socialists were commies since “socialist” was in their name. Like, within the last week. I can’t remember what horrible corner of the internet it was (I spend a lot of time on Nextdoor so maybe there)
It’s a common refrain on the Fux News comments section.* They lump Nazi Germany, China, the Soviet Union, Venezuela and North Korea together as examples of “socialist countries.” A lot of them think that Russia is still a socialist country and that Putin is a clear leftist.
*I don’t know why I look at that shit; I must be a masochist. I do it in my browser’s private mode and wipe my history and cookies immediately after.
Okaaaay, so, what is the whole story then?
To his credit he does say quite often that he supports legislation to set up maximum pay differences between CEO and workers. He’s written a lot about his own naive belief that other CEOs would follow his example freely, and that he now realizes that legislation is the only way. Advocating for permanent legal changes to material conditions is a bit more substantial than “Good King”