Cheap Old Houses showcases dwellings for under $100k

It’s also impossible to get a mortgage that small

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As someone in year 10 of my own “cheap old house” adventure, I can very heartily concur! It’s usually fun, but it is so much work. So glad we’re nearing the finish line…

(Looks out window at snow and cooold.)

That one in Roswell looks tempting!

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I drive past that place daily to get my kids to school… when the seasonal road is open… and for that matter, when the school is open.

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Sure, I have a friend who bought one of these in the East Durham NY area and spent years rebuilding the wet foundation (it had collapsed because someone had thought it could be turned into a dry foundation, but water always wins…) The sad thing is with sweat equity these places are fantastic 5 or 10 years in, but most of the people around here would rather buy a trailer… every 10-15 years or so.

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