"Civil War" is an isolating, information-starved psychological horror

Yeah, I’m still really skeptical about the whole premise of ignoring the larger context of the conflict in the film. The reality is that journalists are not objectively capturing events, but are shaping and shaped by the events that they cover. Me and @milliefink were just noting that point in another thread…

Weighing Options Are You Sure GIF

Yeah, see that is why I’m skeptical of this film. This review I posted argued it made the film more powerful and one that everyone can get into and learn from:

He also mentions a book about violence in civil wars, which essentially argues that the violence of such wars tend to have their own rationality, and that it’s not ideologically driven. Rather people act out of “rational self-interest” (which, frankly, THAT sets off red flags to me), and that civilians will align with those that they believe are going to protect them… I’m not so sure about that, although I’ve not read the book…

Although, maybe I won’t be able to watch the film, as films shot from that POV tend to trigger my motion sickness.