Climate change will make beer much more expensive

But rape will be unaffected by climate change?


Will they be free-range rats? I shall only support rat fights that use sustainably raised rodents.


I wouldn’t count on it. trump’s tariffs have already directly impacted beer prices and I don’t see any outrage.

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Ummm… wrong thread for that image, I think.


“We’ve got to share…”


Here’s a thing I try to point out to people firmly in the anti-global warming camp or the climate denial camp: the effects of global warming are not uniform. The poles will warm much more than the equator. Different areas will become more conducive to agriculture while other areas will lose their ability to grow traditional crops. Some areas will see desertification, others, increased rainfall, or fluctuations in seasonal rainfall. Some cycles like methane release from the tundra are reinforcing, others, like increased photosynthesis, are negative feedback. Sea level rise is a negative for lots of humans right now, but it happened before several times in recent prehistory where humans lived, like the Persian Gulf, the Black Sea, and the English Channel. Prior to the Azolla Event, atmospheric CO2 was 3500 ppm. Both sides of the climate change news cycle have self-serving issues, be it oil roughnecks who have a vested career interest or ocean aficianados torqued at the loss of coral reefs. Denying any benefit anywhere is intellectually dishonest. If the Midwest USA sees increased agricultural output(which is where much of the data points), while their financial and cultural enemies on the coasts suffer, trying to deny that will hamper negotiation on solutions. Oh wait…

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I don’t think that bit can be right. Vines for wine were grown in Britain in the Middle Ages and before.

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God damn it! This alone is enough to shake our core beliefs to the foundations of the Earth and do what is right to keep micro beers at a reasonable price.

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Jameson please!


I hope I’m not stereotyping too broadly here, but I suspect the Trump voter considers Budweiser the literal King of Beers (thus either doesn’t care about or supports the tariffs), whereas imported beer is for effete coastal-elite hipster libtards who can afford it anyway so can’t be bothered to be outraged


Can beer that tastes good be brewed from rice though? AFAIK the current role of rice in beer is to cut ingredient costs. It really doesn’t contribute to flavour at all, but it does help make mass-market beer bland, watery swill.

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Literally tomorrow I start brewing at a brewery in Seattle that uses millet, rice, and buckwheat–no barley at all. My bigger concern is hops; not only do they need a specific temperature range to grow well, they also need the right amount of daylight to mature properly; that’s why they grow best in northern latitudes; summer days are longer.


While I tend to agree with your stereotype, I live in Utah and we have a surprising variety of micro brew pubs. I can only drink micro brews nowadays and I could only tolerate a Budweiser if I were at a party or something and that was my only choice. Coors on the other hand, I won’t touch. I’m a Progressive in a red seascape but I proudly drink effete 3.2 alcohol micro brew. I suppose I’m an effete intermountain ‘fly in the oinment’ Progressive. You can call me that if you want, I don’t mind. Hail! Let’s have another round!

Warm weather = less clothing.
Don’t think it will end well… :grimacing:

There are vineyards in Kent now.
Last bottle I shared tasted bloody awful, but it was produced locally.


Maybe if it impacts beer prices, the Trumpkins will finally realize that it has tangible impacts now. (/s, that will never happen until they are looking up at the water’s surface.)

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I’ve heard similar things and tried similar responses.

Some people (mostly older folks who don’t want to change their lifestyles) are saying that climate change will actually be beneficial for some parts of Canada, that Vancouver’s (I currently live in Vancouver) climate will become like Southern California’s.

Not only is this extremely selfish, it’s also only partially correct, and even if it were correct, that’s not what we want. First of all, many of the neighbouring towns will be under water unless they pay for massive dyke upgrades now. And then if we start seeing Southern California’s rain patterns, our farming, forests, and wildlife are going to die off since they won’t be able to adapt fast enough.


Precisely. The climate change denialists go through some wacky cognitive dissonance crap to somehow not come across as selfish to themselves.
However, to frame what is partially a moral debate as exclusively science is dishonest. Was it bad a meteor wiped out the dinosaurs? Is it bad that human pollution is causing a similar mass extinction?

The science of global warming keeps trickling out things like that better wine production in the Netherlands which may be positive for some folks. Better barley production in northern China and middle America at the cost of half of Bangladesh underwater. The cold, amoral view of the situation is what I see when I look at the political landscape, because I don’t see any real stoppages in that CO2 pumping out.

I guess this means more corn, wheat and (ducks) rye, and less barley in the mash bills, so quality will suffer and Scotch prices will skyrocket ever further. :frowning_face:

Also, more corn adjunct lagers. Yuck.


One of my mates did a Food Technology course and has told us that there is an E Number for “Lager Flavour”. [shudders]