Coca-Cola to fund obesity research that says it's not about diet

There’s one like that sold in this one Indian shop in the west end of Newcastle; weirdly, the can features a cartoon bulldog that wouldn’t look out of place on a Nazi skin’s tshirt and it too has over double the standard energy drink dose. It tastes like bathtub speed dissolved in off brand lucozade with a soupcon of mouthwash and makes me want to fight people.


This research is Relevant To My Interests, as I’ve just had a vanilla coke and a piece of cake the size of my fist. So they’re saying that’s basically a salad, right? It was carrot cake after all.


Personally, I’ve been a fan of wedge shaped foods. It’s shaped like the food pyramid, therefore it must be healthy.


I means you know whether you’re looking at science, or consumer misleading pseudo-science.

Not in any universe where you apply basic critical thinking skills. You don’t have a basis for deciding the rightness or wrongness of the claim beyond the fact that Coke is funding research into the claims. It’s like saying that a drug can’t be effective if a pharma company pays to research an alternate cause for a disease. It makes zero sense. Yes, the scientists could be wrong, but they’re right or wrong no matter who pays the piper.

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