Colorado's retail marijuana is high in THC

In Washington State, there is a legal limit of no more than 10mg of THC per serving for edibles. ALL the edibles have 10mg of THC. Some come in multi-serving value-packs. All of them are delicious.

“Hemp oil” usually doesn’t mean oil with CBDs in it - it’s usually just oil from the seeds, somewhat nut-flavored, which you might use in cooking or on a salad or something, the way you’d use sesame oil. Works nicely in hummus. Nothing medicinal about it.

Cannabidiols, on the other hand, are the CBDs you might be looking for.


The grass is always greener…

Perhaps you could provide a link, to minimize confusion?

or, you know, maybe help us figure out which of the 10K results are closest to what you meant? Assuming you want to make your whole point to someone else, clearly and throughly, of course. The actual product you refer to would be very helpful to have a direct pointer to, for the sake of conversation, please.

Interesting thought. Sort of the Session Beer for the Cannabis Crowd.


Thanks. I’m well aware of the difference between the CBD-containing extracts that are sometimes labeled “hemp oil” and hemp-seed oil - and yeah, they’re not the same thing at all.

Hemp seed oil is a reasonably nutritious dietary fat, but contains no cannabinoids.

But as I said, there are CBD-rich hemp extracts being legally sold as OTC nutraceuticals, and many of them also call their products “hemp oil”.

For example:

Cibdex CBD Cannabidiol Original Flavor Hemp Oil Supplement
<a href=""Dixie Botanicals CBD Hemp Oil Dew DropsPlus+CBD 2 oz / 500mg Unflavored Hemp Oil Nutritional Supplement
Canchew All Natural Hemp Oil CBD Gum

…and here’s one that touches both bases by putting a CBD-rich hemp oil extract in pure hemp seed oil:

RedStrap CBD (Cannabidiol Hemp Oil) in Virgin Organic Hemp Seed Oil

I suggested searching Amazon for “cannabidiol”, rather than “hemp oil” since that weeds out most of the non-medicinal hemp seed oils. I didn’t provide specific links, since I have not personally sampled most of the dozens of available products.

(I have personally used Dixie Botanicals Hemp Oil Salvation Balm as an anti-inflammatory rub for sore muscles, and I like it a lot. A friend of mine who doesn’t use MJ also uses it and swears by it).

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I said…

(Note, BTW, that those with a medical interest in cannabidiol (CBD) preparations with no THC can order a variety of FDA-approved forms - tinctures, tablets,. capsules, gums, topical salves, etc. - either from Amazon or directly from manufacturers.
…and you replied:

A link to Amazon?

Go to Amazon. Search for “cannabidiol.” Browse the 100+ products that turn up in “Health and Personal Care”. The ones that specify CBD content in milligrams are the ones to look for.

Now you know as much about them as I do. I personally use and recommend Dixie Botanicals’ Hemp Oil Salvation Balm on sore muscles, but I get most of my systemic CBD from the MMJ dispensary in products that also contain THC, and so can’t be sold OTC in California.

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This conversation should not have to include the ridiculous restrictions that we all have to suffer. Alcohol and tobacco combine for a verifiable 88,000 and 480,000 deaths each year while we discuss the benefits of a plant that never killed anybody and yet you can go to prison for simply liking too much.

I’m still waiting for sanity. Since '72. I hear it’s around the corner.

All recreational in CO is required to be lab tested. They need to extend what the requirements test for, but the claimed amounts of THC by law have paperwork to back them up.

If anyone needs their weed tested just send it on over. I will happily let you know how it is for a nominal charge. Today would be a good time.


Freebase, wash in distilled water, dissolve in a non-polar solvent and recrystallise with HCL.

Oh, right. next time, then : )

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