Columbia students and allies - a roundup of news

“The First Amendment comes from here, this is Philadelphia, we don’t have to do stupid like they did at Columbia,” Krasner said.

Game Show Thank You GIF by Kinda Funny


I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it

  • Evelyn Beatrice Hall (biographer, ascribing these words to Voltaire’s thought process)

Nice summary with photos & gifs:


This is giving me the same vibes as the woman at a BLM protest who pointed out that when you have no rights or ownership in a community, why make the effort to keep things calm and civil?

President Joe Biden on Thursday condemned pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses that have turned violent or resulted in property destruction, emphasizing that Americans only have the right to protest as long as it remains peaceful.

“There is a right to protest,” Biden said, in his most extensive remarks since the campus protest movement began. “But there is not a right to cause chaos.”

The president, however, rejected the idea that the National Guard should be called in to quell some of the demonstrations at campuses across the country. And he rejected the suggestion that the protest movement might persuade him to change course in the Middle East, where Biden has remained largely supportive of Israel’s war in Gaza.




And we are led by the Most Pro-Union President in US History. His words don’t mean much, but his actions hurt people.

Are you saying even someone against unions is the most pro-union because the other presidents were worse? Not sure what you mean, or what unions have to do with the situation in Gaza.


Sorry. I mean that his words often belie his intent or actions. Saying we are not an authoritarian nation while doing nothing to stop police brutality now or ever and the example of the railroad strike illustrate that.


He did block the strike, but then strongarmed the companies to get the workers what they needed.

Analysis: Biden claims huge win for unions, and himself, in tentative rail deal | CNN Politics

He needs to get more credit than he does. I am waiting to see how this plays out in this instance, though. In the end, he is still a politician.


There’s more to that story. He kept up pressure on the railroad companies and got the workers what they wanted - sick days.

Jinx @docosc!


Good article. Thank you for sharing it.

I think what many US-based pro-Israeli folks fail to realize is that the hard line that criticism of Israel and Israeli government actions no matter what is the single-greatest threat to Israel. For all the power Israel has gained in intelligence and military might, they are still hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned by their enemies. What has kept Israel safe is the support by the international community. If that support wanes as the Israeli government burns its relationship with allies, it makes them far more vulnerable.

The other facet that the article covers well is the asymmetry of both the Gaza conflict and the US university protests. Israel has vastly more military and intelligence resources (including a very strong propaganda machine) than Palestinians do. Likewise, in the US, the pro-Israeli hardliners have vastly more power and resources than the protesters. There is no protester-side equivalent to AIPAC. So even when extreme pro-Palestinian protesters say something decidedly antisemitic, it’s a fart in a hurricane in comparison to the smirking antisemitism of the rapture-seeking Evangelicals who the hardliners have aligned themselves with.


Sen. Sanders: “I suggest to CNN and maybe some of my colleagues here, maybe take your cameras, just for a moment, off of Columbia and UCLA . Maybe go to Gaza, and take your camera show us the emaciated children who are dying from malnutrition because of Netanyahu’s policies.”


With the risk of opening a can of worms, the bill is bad law on multiple levels. It is almost certainly unconstitutional, the definition for anti-Semitism isn’t even explicitly in the law. It just refers to the website of the Holocaust Remembrance Alliance

It’s a piece of performative bullshit that will do very little to help Jewish people or address anti-Semitism but will do a whole lot to stifle valid criticism of the Israeli the government and to make it easier to hide what the Israeli government is doing to people in Gaza. I think a lot of lawmakers voted for it because the GOP has its own agenda and too many of the Democrats are being reactionary and not giving it a real tear down for unintended consequences

Edited because I am tired and to make sure the distinction between Israel and the Israeli government is clear.


[Lauren Boebert Gets The ‘Beetlejuice’ Treatment During Campus Protest Visit | HuffPost Latest News]


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