Columbia students and allies - a roundup of news

What a shit show.


Brown agrees to Israel divestment vote as House GOP digs in on antisemitism in a busy day for student protests

The big success of the day for pro-Palestinian protesters came out of Brown, where President Christina Paxson announced Tuesday that students will end their encampment after an agreement was reached between school administrators and leaders of the protest to hold an Israel divestment vote.

The school agreed to let five students meet with the Corporation of Brown University in May to argue why they should vote to divest from companies associated with Israel or its war in Gaza. The Advisory Committee on University Resources Management will also provide recommendations related to divestment by the end of September, and the board will vote on the policy in October.



[Occupation of Sciences Po by pro-Palestinian students: Director defends ‘narrow path’ of ‘compromise’ (]

[Gaza protests at US universities deepen divisions among Democrats | Elections 2024 | EL PAÍS English (]

[Columbia threatens to expel student protesters, Brown reaches deal with theirs (]


Uh ohs.

Huge police presence now entering buildings.

This can’t be good.

The live coverage is showing a line of cops entering one at a time through a window.


I talked to my 75 year old mom yesterday; she started to talk about Gaza, saying:

“I’m of two minds…” I shut her down immediately:

“Mama, killing innocent civilians in the name of any cause is wrong… everyone who is is not a sociopath should be anti-genocide.”

Thank fuck she just agreed and changed the subject.


This page from Columbia’s web site hasn’t aged well:

Columbia is a far different place today than it was in the spring of 1968 when protesters took over University buildings amid discontent about the Vietnam War, racism and the University’s proposed expansion into Morningside Park. After a weeklong standoff, New York City Police stormed the campus and arrested more than 700 people. The fallout dogged Columbia for years.

It took decades for the University to recover from those turbulent times. Columbia now has one of the most socio-economically diverse student bodies among its peer institutions. It has added a new campus designed to be open to the community and pursues fields of inquiry unheard of a half-century ago.


“What hasn’t changed is tradition. The tradition of reactionary authoritarian administration carries on at Columbia, where the same spirit of administrators terrified of losing control that led University President Kirk onto the wrong side of history leads President Shafik on the same path.”


Apparently, counter-proteters in masks attacked the Gaza protest encampment at UCLA last night with wooden sticks. Police were called, but after trying to evacuate injured students, retreated. UCLA security just retreated. Many people injured before the attackers retreated as police regrouped. :sleepy:

Fucking Reuters ran with the headline “Israel Backers Attack Pro-Palestinian Camp at UCLA.” Fuck that. The neo-nazi attackers aren’t backing Israel. They took an opportunity to do violence against people they disagree with. That doesn’t “back Israel” in any way.


Angry Rooster Teeth GIF by Achievement Hunter


Even national news bent themselves into pretzels to avoid stating the obvious. Sure looked like a-holes aligned with pro-fascist organizations. AKA - neo-nazis. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


The Barnard students have been locked out of their dorm rooms and classrooms and not allowed to use their meal plans to eat, so the punishment has been more severe than for Columbia students.


It looks like instead of stopping genocide, the House is busy making sure our children never criticize its perpetrators. I think 142 craven Democrats voted for this along with mainstream Republicans.
Nice longitudinal counter protest strategy on behalf of another country.


i mean, there is anti-semitism, and it’s ramped up lots since the war. jewish people could use protection. of course, the devil is in the details of the bill. because the war is a genocide, and the students protesting the war are, by and large, doing a good thing

The international group defines antisemitism as a “certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews.” The group adds that “rhetorical and physical manifestations” of antisemitism include such things as calling for the killing or harming of Jews or holding Jews collectively responsible for actions taken by the state of Israel.

that part seems completely reasonable to me


Seems to me, antisemitism’s most common manifestation in the US is the Evangelical belief in concentrating Jews in Israel so that they can be destroyed, bringing about the apocalypse. Maybe that should be the focus of this proposed law.


the obvious timing of it definitely shows the gop’s motivation. they don’t care one wit about anti semitism or free speech. at the same time, that doesn’t necessarily make the bill itself bad. ( i haven’t read the thing myself, granted. )


It’s really, really tough to make good law from bad intentions.