Company says facial features reveal terrorists and pedophiles 80% of the time

Once those 200,000 false positives are safely in jail, the false positive rate will start to diminish. Promise!


This will just drive pedophiles to wear disguises more often…


Yes - I certainly can’t see it employed as an in any way reliable method, i.a. due to the reasons given by you. I guess my point was that the impulse to identify character by physical features is not entirely baseless - just not practically usable.

It’s a bit like dietary guidelines: No real point in actually following them as newly proclaimed every decade, but they can’t be entirely dismissed as pointless either - what you eat does matter to your health and some stuff should really be avoided; just don’t jump on the fat-is-the-worst! no! sugar-is-the-worst! etc. bandwagon.

Nah, your claim remains baseless. Your arguments didn’t give it any more scientific rigor, you invoked some pretty quacky leaps of logic to get to your false conclusion.

Nah, your comment remains baseless. What exactly are you accusing me of? What are the leaps of logic I took?

My claim can be summarized as: Testosterone levels tend to manifest themselves in physiological features. Testosterone levels tend to affect behavior. Therefore there is a statistically meaningful relationship between certain physiological features and behavior.

I think A and B are pretty uncontroversial (though if you insist, I will dig for citations) and C follows.

If Breedlove and others are correct about 2D:4D digit-length bring a marker of uterine testosterone exposure and later sexual orientation, what matters is not the size of the fingers but the relative lengths. Demonstrating that when it comes to human sexuality, you can’t tell the book from its cover, but it does help to look at the index.

Two unscientific claims as stated, one leap into a ditch after them.


Even if this BS actually worked…


What does a scanner see? Into the head? Down into the heart? Does it see into me? Into us? Clearly or darkly? I hope it sees clearly because I can’t any longer see into myself. I see only murk. I hope for everyone’s sake the scanners do better, because if the scanner sees only darkly the way I do, then I’m cursed and cursed again.


You raise an interesting point that will never be argued in a courtroom. As you probably understand, the real problem with this sort of thing is that cops backfill investigations all the time (there’s a common word for it that I can’t remember right now). Of course this wouldn’t stand up in a court of law, but the idea is that the authorities would use this to target “likely criminals” and if they luck out, they could then find other legitimate evidence and avoid mentioning why they targeted the individual in legal proceedings. Overzealous cops unfamiliar (and uninterested) with statistics will think the occasional true positive is significant. It is unfortunately true that you can catch more criminals by invading privacy and stomping on rights (with diminishing, eventually negative returns).

Many bad cops don’t want this kind of likely-illegal, pseudoscience crap to ever make it into a courtroom, but for entirely different reasons than the rest of us. There’s no guarantee that this isn’t in use today.

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I’m by no means saying these guys are legit, but that second thing – eye- and face-tracking – has been in common use for years. Pretty much any commercial you see above the level of local used car dealer or personal injury lawyer has been through an analysis of what parts of the screen viewers’ moment-to-moment attentions are on, further broken down by viewer demographic of course. Many go so far as to include EEG data, although for that we still need a highly-controlled environment with paid volunteers. But these days, basic eye-tracking can be done on anyone stopping at a shop window or animated billboard.

BTW, you have a great username, and I’m jealous.

Probably you already know this, but “potato” is a widely used adjective in gaming for “sub-par” and is used in self-deprecating jokes a lot.

eg: “potato-aim”, “this gun has a potato action”, “I farm potatoes mostly”, “your healing spell is potatoes”, “I tried to jump-kick, but instead handed you a potato.”


How can the pedophile suffer from “a high level of anxiety and depression” and yet “lack emotion”?


Oh yes. No arguments about the practicality of eye-tracking, nor indeed of scene-segmentation software that divides a video stream into entities moving around in front of a background, and tracks them. Scene segmentation is practically a commodity. Our lad Itzik Wilf seems to have some experience there… but the fact that it is commodity software has forced him into odd niches and over-hyped applications (Turn your CCTV camera into intelligent surveillance! Quantify the attention paid to your booth at the trade fair! 2D sportscasts into 3D!!).
Some lad awards himself titles like Software Guru and Start-Up Mentor, I am going to look for actual accomplishments, and all I can see is a trail of moribund companies.

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It’s not racial profiling it’s Faception.

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…and everything that happens to us in our lives. Shit, this statement doesn’t even pass a first glance test of accuracy. Who the fuck believes that people are born terrorists?

And speaking of first glances: [quote=“doctorow, post:1, topic:78602”]
in the words of CEO and Chief Scientist Shai Gilboa, “Our personality is determined by our DNA and reflected in our face. It’s a kind of signal.”

If this was at all true, you’d think a few million years of evolution would give us terrorist detectors in our wetware more accurate than any machine working off purely visual cues. It would be such a handy thing to have. A few hundred billion-element neural nets have got to beat whatever paltry neural net trained in a lab could do. In fact, if you have the secret, it would probably be more cost efficient to train up a million or so humans to do it.


About half of America?

I’ll show myself out.


Some Israelis?


It does seem like a really good way to piss ISIS/Daesh off even more.

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Although frankly I’d hardly be surprised if the leaders of ISIS/Daesh were sexually abusing children. I look at churches, residential schools, the British cabinet under Thatcher, Jeffrey Epstein’s black book and think - Holy Shit, is this just what people with power do?!?