Why should she care? She’s been elected.
You are in Iowayyyy…
Oh, there’s nothing halfway
About the Iowa way to treat you,
When we treat you
Which we may not do at all.
There’s an Iowa kind of special
Chip-on-the-shoulder attitude.
We’ve never been without.
That we recall.
Meridith Willson, the Music Man
News flash! Ted Cruz sucks too!
At the rate this is going, I’ll be able to eliminate “opportunists” from my usual description of the post-2015 GOP, leaving only the “cowards” part.
Presumably they think if they cancel and reschedule it enough, no one will show up, so they get credit for having it without anyone being there to challenge them? Or are they so freaked out, different parts of his team have conflicting advice/strategies that have created a mess. Either way, that’s kind of hilarious.
Being scared out of your own press conference (and office) is another level. I’m wondering what they thought they were going to get, given the legislation, though…
In that particular case, it’s Tom Cotton. So it’s a lovely mix of malice, spite, and ignorance.
I could get so much more done if I didn’t have to listen to my constituents.
and cake.
I actually find that to be annoyingly endearing. Besides, it’s bound to be somebody’s birthday somewhere.
I would feel the same way for almost anyone but that asshole.
I’ve just two words. Youtube, and myEpap3TxVs.
The worst type of cake? The kind no one would eat if they weren’t a child, or an adult being polite to the birthday child?
Isn’t that the only thing that makes it birthday cake? I know there is a particular recipe–that’s why “birthday cake milkshakes” are a thing, since there is no good reason–but without the actual birthday it’s just bland white cake with cheap shitty frosting.
According to certain brands of ice-cream, birthday cake means “laced with rainbow sprinkles”
so if sponge & sprinkles are your thing, I guess, then that’s what you eat for fun. Not my cup of tea, but on the other hand this bit of trivia is perhaps the single most positive thing I know about Tom Cotton
What if he is really annoying about it and talks about it all the time?
Gee, Iowa, have you ever felt cheated?
I’m having trouble with the second compound word on how there would be a Republican Administration (besides YouTube?) Something to do with thermal expansion valves…myEpap3TxVs?
That was quite a magical bit of somewhat racist branding on the part of the Repubs.
Call it anything with the name “Obama” attached to it, and whoooooeeeeeee!
Call it the ACA or something else, and it actually seems like a good idea.
Just goes to show how having a Kenyan born, non-citizen, Muslim, communist at the helm didn’t help the Dems at all! /s