Conservative Iranian television host spotted drinking beer in public without hijab

I rest my case.

Impossible to determine from the pictures.

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I don’t think either TV presenter has been accused of being on a death squad. They have been accused of reading state propaganda while employed by the state-run media.

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A difference of degree, not of principle. I just don’t think you can take a well-paying prestigious job with the nomenclature and then wash your hands over the effects of your actions since you’re just doing what the gig entails.

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That’s not really the point, just like:

You don’t actually know any of these things you are asserting. Just like:

You don’t know this, either. You are literally applying you own life to that of another person.


Has nothing to do with what @Wanderfound was talking about, since he wasn’t arguing that it was one sided while the post he was responding to implied that the West didn’t go into the region except when forced in some fashion.

If you have a point to what you are saying, it’s certainly lost in the constant arguing against basically anything with no consideration to anything you or anyone else has said. Maybe take a step back and really read the comments, there is good and bad here.


I’ll grant you the last one, since Wanderfound did not explicitly claim that the conflict was one sided and it was only my inference.

But you are simply wrong about the first two. There is an overwhelming reason to suppose that a party line-mouthing national TV host who can afford to take vacations in Switzerland is a well-paid voluntary stooge for the regime. So unless you present some evidence to the contrary, there is very little justification for total agnosticism.

This is reaching some Socratic level of epistemological doubt. After all, we don’t truly know that Jamie Dimon voluntarily decided to become the CEO of JPMorgan Chase. I mean - I’ve never tried, I have no idea what the selection process looks like. Maybe they can’t find anyone willing to do it for just $ 20 million a year. Perhaps he was really blackmailed into it - and once there, he just had to follow the logic of profit-seeking markets. Poor guy.


Literally missing the point by a mile. This woman has a family living under an oppressive regime and is paid to read words she is given in a costume on TV, but you are filling in the blanks to fit your argument without any proof whatsoever outside of your experience with similar appearing characters in the media you know. If you have some level of evidence to your argument that she is a fan of the regime, chose the career path for something beyond earning money for her family, or whatever else then you would have shown it.

And that’s another point, you are responsible for providing evidence to prove your point. It’s not my responsibility to provide evidence against your own flimsy argument. I don’t need to prove she isn’t drinking alcohol or details of her life that changes your mind, because you are the one making the argument she is drinking alcohol and that her life is the way you are presenting it. The burden of proof is on you, and plausible deniability should be upheld outside of that proof.

This is just garbage logic from the first line through the last. I could pick it apart, but I doubt you care.


Oh come now, the analogy is brilliant – this Iranian woman is clearly just like Jamie Dimon!


Well I assume she is the head of the network, is a top contributor to the government, and regularly threatens shifting the money to the other political party. I’m also sure she gets shout outs as being the morally perfect woman from the leaders on television. You know, just like Dimon is a leading Democratic contributor and regularly threatens to give it to the GOP, and Obama said that JP Morgan was an example of a bank with excellent management during the bailout period!

The last bit of the sacrastic snark is not for your sake obviously, but choosing any US CEO would be impossible to draw even a remote analogy to would be impossible - but to choose one of the more influential men in private lobbying of politics is an extremely bizarre choice. Especially since the obvious choice would be someone like Megyn Kelly or more accurately Ainsley Earhardt.


My experience is that of someone growing up behind the Iron Curtain. We had quite a number of hypocritical stooges prostituting themselves onscreen for the regime’s pleasure and non of them had been forced into it by anything besides their desire for money and privileges.

Commenting on your skills in logical analysis would get me banned so I shall only do so by way of an apophasis.


I will say, the US has little to no culpability in the Palestinian Civil War, the Syrian occupation of Lebanon or how forces set themselves up in the Syrian Civil War except in the most tangential sense. That crap happened without too much involvement on our end.

The Vox video on the Middle East Cold War referenced exactly what I was referring to. It was pretty informative, thanks.

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Yeah, so you’re applying your personal experience to someone you don’t know because you lack any evidence for what you are saying. In other words, your logic is exactly as I described it to you and yet you fight against what I said because that would require a level of self-analysis you are unwilling to commit to.


Not so much ‘caught in the middle’ as much as jumped in with both feet.




Okay. I’m satisfied.

Have a good one.

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Why not? One doesn’t have to believe, one has to convince. Plenty of people who act in the role of propagandist have not bought into their spiel.

If you are getting that, then I’m not sure you’re reading my comments carefully. I’d argue for her having constrained choices.

Indeed, she’s clearly doing well now. In a more authoritarian state, one can go from living well to bottom on the heap in short order, though.

Wait… what was your case? This thread has gotten so long, that I’ don’t remember what people were arguing!

This was pretty much the point I’ve been attempting to make the whole thread. I don’t discount that she had a choice to go into journalism or not, but once there, to succeed in her career, she has limited choices, because state run media is literally the only game in town. It’s not like here in the states where you can seek out a media job that conforms to one’s views, or that has various funding models, etc.

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