Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 1)

He’s not going to do a fucking thing, that would require leadership, but at least he’s getting a little bit out of the way.

Unfortunately, Pima County as a whole is more conservative than Tucson proper, with at least one certifiable lunatic Trumpie supervisor (she thinks there are people hiding in the walls of the county building listening in on her conversations).

Update: City of Tucson and Pima County seem likely to pass mask ordinances. Fingers crossed.

A rant (published prior to Ducey’s spineless, un-jebus-loving Covid-cuckery):

Let me just throw some numbers at you. When Ducey issued a week-long curfew on the state because some windows got broken and dumpsters set on fire in the wake of the George Floyd protests, I noted that 900 people had died of coronavirus in Arizona.

Since then, 250 more people have been killed by the virus in the state and Ducey promises no new restrictions. How this isn’t an impeachable offense is beyond me.

France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Spain have a combined population of about 325 million – roughly the size of the United States – and their most recent combined new coronavirus cases add up to 1,209.

Arizona’s 1,233 confirmed cases Sunday were more than than those of five substantial countries combined.

What is it like to have leaders? Have I ever known?

Then there was this horrifying passage in the Arizona Mirror as reported from the reliably deadpan Jeremy Duda.

At one point, (Dr. Cara) Christ acknowledged there was little else the state would do besides an educational campaign aimed at improving hygiene, physical distancing and encouraging the use of masks.

“We know that it’s in the community, and that we can’t stop the spread. We can’t stop living, as well,” she said.

Stop right there. OK, Cara. You say you are a doctor. What’s it called when people “stop living”? It’s happened 1,100 times to people across Arizona. It’s called “dying” and if the governor shrugs it off, pretend the George Floyd protesters were killing 100 white people a week.

“We can’t stop living!” Wow. Just wow.

In a perfect closing contrast, I point you toward the big red stripe across the southern Santa Catalina Mountains. Fire crews slurry-bombed the hell out of the mountains to stop wildfires from engulfing pricey neighborhoods. The government — coordinated among federal, state and local authorities — took quick, decisive, expensive action, and kept increasing the manpower and resources put into the fight against the Bighorn Fire. No one suggested the fire would “just stop.” But hey, in Arizona we care more about Foothills dream homes than the lives in the city below.

(And if you are curious about that.)