“If you want to travel and minimize the risks of COVID-19, put on a mask and get on an airplane,”
If it’s all the same to you, airplane guy, I’ll pass, thanks.
“If you want to travel and minimize the risks of COVID-19, put on a mask and get on an airplane,”
If it’s all the same to you, airplane guy, I’ll pass, thanks.
It is not even so much being on the plane that freaks me out, it’s the airport and the potential for exposure there. Nope, no thanks.
Yeah, no kidding. In less dangerous times I’m certainly more okay with the loss of personal control over my surroundings that comes with mass transit, but being forced into spaces with hundreds of other people (who seem statistically less likely to be taking the pandemic seriously by dint of the fact that they’re trying to travel) right now? Nah, miss me with that one.
Yeah. Sure it’s safer than the bus or the train because of the air filtration system.
But your car is much safer - and your home is safer still.
This. Absolutely!
Seems legit.
The only verification is an email link. (Hm. I could probably automate that on my Pi.)
We have to travel soon (sick family member) and we have a four-year-old. The idea of keeping up our end (and keeping a mask on him, don’t lick that handrail why would you) the whole time seemed so problematic we’re going to suck up a likely three day drive.
Safest of all is in my room, tucked into my bed, snug and warm…
My wife has been researching that very question. It’s too early to have good data of whether the live virus flu vaccine protects against COVID specifically, but there is good evidence that it often does protect against other non-flu viruses:
Unfortunately this does not appear to be the case with the standard flu shot. Case in point: Argentina leads the world in flu-shot uptake, and has nearly 100% (!) of their population get the annual shot, yet their COVID deaths are skyrocketing. Their deaths-per-capita are nearly as bad as the US right now, and still on an upward trajectory.
The other thing to consider is that the live virus vaccine carries a small risk of actually causing the flu, which is why it’s not recommended for older people.
5 posts were split to a new topic: Quarantine Songs
Safest of all is in my room, tucked into my bed
As we used to point out at the whitewater kayaking club: do you know how many people die in their beds?!
Normally… yeah, I can get behind that. But now in Covidville, safest of all… Although kayaking seems like you can socially distance and still get out there and have fun.
And of course, you might run into a tiki-bar floatilla of drunk priests if you get into trouble!
My test was Dr. Alexis Zarkov. I figured that they’d spot Flexy Jerkov, but now I’m now so sure.
Hm. Plutocrats have spent some effort convincing them to convince themselves.
(I have no experience with that site, but everything in the article seems correct – or confirms my biases. )