Count to ten thousand! (Part 1)

Records for 796 kids suggest mass burial at orphanage in Ireland.

In keeping with Catholic teaching, such out-of-wedlock children were denied Christian burial.

And then there was the one about the Boeing 797. . .


It’s only fair we exhume the bones of those monsters who enforced that rule and throw them to the dogs.
Poor dogs.

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Image from the 798 Art Zone (a.k.a. Dashanzi Art District) in Beijing.

(I recommend an image search under either name.)



I’ll go with one more historical event, just because it might be the easiest date to remember in all history:

Charlemagne was crowned emperor, the first of what would be called the Holy Roman Empire, on Christmas Day, 800 CE.


Lessons Learned: KAL 801

Controlled Flight Into Terrain
Korean Air Flight 801
Boeing 747-300, HL7468
Nimitz Hill, Guam
August 6, 1997

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No, it isn’t an extra from the latest Star Wars. It’s a Bowers-Wilkins 802 Diamond speaker.

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Interesting, in taking out that spam, Discourse seems to have eliminated all record of this thread from my notifications. @codinghorror

My home town (Sunderland) build a new university campus on the old docks that (briefly) looked like this. Apparently, no-one informed the architects that there is a damn good reason that buildings on the north-east coast of England are squat, low, and made of granite, not tall, blocky and constructed of cheap concrete with wood cladding. It’s not pretty any more. Also, the horrible bastards removed the awesome Jerry Anderson-style flying buttresses that used to grace the main campus.

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Rule 803

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I thought you were a Geordie, not a Mackem…?

Nor originally. I try to be adopted though, cos sunderland’s a shithole. And people know what Geordies are (and Newcastle. Who wants to try & explain what Sunderland is? Not me, I’ll tell you what).

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Sunderland, eh? My dad lectured at that university during the naughties.

Newcastle, Sunderland, Middlesbrough…it’s all Yorkshire to me.

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IT IS MOST CERTAINLY NOT, Good Sir! Why, the very idea!

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Bodies in Motion - Episode 806 | Gilad TV

Hips and thighs.

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@anon29631895 posted (something fabulous) while I was typing, but I think this is worth doubling the number.

Since readers on BB like to know where the money is in politics, it might be nice for people in California to know what a Form 806 is:

The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) requires each agency to post a single Form 806 (FPPC Regulation 18705.5 amended March 2012). Form 806 reports additional compensation that officials receive when appointing themselves to positions on other boards, commissions or committees of a public agency, special district, and joint power agency/authorities. Each agency must post a single Form 806 listing all paid appointed positions including the date appointed, length of term and stipend amount.

In other words, when someone gets elected, they tend to get themselves additional posts that may significantly cushion their pay. Form 806 tells voters exactly who is on what and how much they’re paid for the work.

Here’s a link to the City of Newport Beach Form 806 page. All additional yearly appointments for the city are included on the one submitted form. Leslie Daigle is actually a Councilwoman in Newport Beach. After being elected, she got herself into the paid positions of:

• Southern California Assoc. of Governments ($120/mtg.)
• OC Vector Control District Board of Directors ($100/mtg.)

So she can expect to earn $2,640 more than she would without those appointments. The Form 806 tells us about those unelected positions that aren’t widely publicized and may affect how a politician behaves.