Video or photo voyeurism? Us? Never!
ETA hitting the road now, back in 20-24 hours, I hope. Just missed it live, but I’m looking forward to seeing all the 10k images and adding mine.
Video or photo voyeurism? Us? Never!
ETA hitting the road now, back in 20-24 hours, I hope. Just missed it live, but I’m looking forward to seeing all the 10k images and adding mine.
So excited!!!
9997 Just watch out for the glory hole.
Ok, @fiddlingfrog, take us home!!
All, please don’t post another image until the OP caps it off.
If @fiddlingfrog waits until May 26, it’ll be 8 years (!) to the day since the OP.
It’d be interesting to see a graph of the number of posts per week/month/year.
Promoting torture, are we?
Indeed. The only level of analysis I’m prone to in this case is simple division. An average of 3.46 images a day.
Thanks for the small light in a weary world.
Great work everyone! And thank you so much for letting me getting in the first of (hopefully) many final words.
Fun game. Thanks a lot. What game are you going to think up to top this one?
Too hard
Set a playlist and image the lyrics?
Word by word story?