Court finds for man who rewrote the credit-card fine-print to give himself unlimited, interest-free credit

I wish to gawd someone would do this and win against Capital One.

Hm, I sent an email to that bank asking them to clarify whether or not they actually stole a whole house worth of possessions from someone and then refused to do anything about it. I’m still waiting for a reply.

I love this! I’m tempted to do the same thing. AND, I loved Little Brother and Homeland. Strongly recommend people read both books.

People haven’t forgotten this. It’s simply assume d ‘contract’ as used by carirers, credit cards, et gives you zero rights it’s more a trap you willingly enter to get a service so far as the majority is concerned.

Hell I dind’t even know you COULD re-write/negotiate a contract for phones/credit/etc.

Correction: he didn’t “cross it out”, but printed his own version of the contract, so that the changes won’t be so visible.

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