This week’s peak is 42% down from a month ago, seven-day average is 39% down is still computing seven-day averages
they’re just commented out in the javascript
if we edit the page source, it still works
that’s still a little bumpy
we can compute a seven-day average of the seven-day averages
As noted above, the peak of a “normal” flu season in the U.S. would be less than 1 on this graph
I have no idea what’s going on in Spain this week
Zombie apocalypse?
The most recent average for COVID-19 fatalities in the U.S. is 65% down from the peak of the curve
But how much of that is due to the improving numbers from NY and NJ?
LINEAR PLOT: it’s not so bad
LOG PLOT: it’s terrible and it’s not getting any better
i like the two comparisons. that’s really useful
ive got some trouble with “it’s not so bad” - they both show things are terrible: lots and lots of people are sick and dying.
the linear just shows better the number of people dying per day is slowly shrinking, the log hides it somewhat because the numbers are still so large.
Wait, has COVID reduced the number of total deaths, despite being responsible for a big share of them, or is that data just an estimate (or maybe normal seasonal variation)?
Ignore that, it seems that the number of deaths peak in January and gets lower in June, and I was thinking that the variation was not so big.
This is “Laboratory-Confirmed COVID-19-Associated Hospitalizations, Preliminary weekly rates”
Daily new cases in Washington and Oregon together
Daily new deaths in Washington and Oregon together
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