Cryptocurrency (and related fuckery)

So after allowing many individual crypto funds and ETF’s, including by :canada:'s biggest mutual fund manager, our Ontario provincial regulator (de facto the national regulator) noticed there might be a problem. Not with crypto per se (I suppose the money laundering and drug profits are just a feature) but with some of the exchanges. With the horse long dead from starvation and the remains of the barn just a few burned beams on soot-stained snow, a new regulation is in place threatening to slam the barn door after 30 days if there is non-compliance.

With barely two months passed between an initial notice and the new requirements coming into force, it’s almost lightning speed for a regulator. That, says OSC CEO Grant Vingoe, is because there’s an emergency in the crypto market.
“It was somewhat of an emergency,” said Vingoe “after we’d seen substantial failures leading to FTX.”

:no_mouth: :man_facepalming: