Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/06/29/see-danielle-labelle-perfectly-imitate-many-different-types-of-laughter.html
The older I get, the more often I end up the Cougher.
Wow, the Remover was something I’ve only seen with glasses in the past.
Still, he could probably pick up a lot more types in a Laughter Yoga session. They last about an hour, and participants tend to get very creative.
My sarcastic type of laughter is not found on this list, but my daughter points out that I have this sort of laugh sometimes.
This whole sketch reminds me of a long lost but memorable elementary school music class sing-a-long…
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Haaa
Ho Ho Ho Ho Hooo
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Haaa
<Ad-lib laughter >
After asking the teacher what the little x’s were on the staff, I was informed that these indicate ad-lib or made up the laughter. Starting with my all-of-the-above ad-libs, I had the entire class roaring together whenever we had to sing it. Anyway, great memory, but you probably had to be there…
Please please ask them to do the podcaster go-to laughs.
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