Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/01/24/go-on-laugh-it-up.html
It’s amazing how fearful capitalists are of AOC. I guess they’re scared of not controlling the dialogue anymore and that of the masses finding out their talking points are BS.
First they ignore you …
Roger That!
Exactly, this comment alone needs to be heavily asterisk’d and footnoted…
*We, the robber-barons of the world
**Will fucking kill you
***Out of our feelings of greed and inherent superiority
****America is our playground and feed trough
*****Our accumulation of wealth and empire, which is all that matters. Good day!
“I do not think it will help the growth of the US economy” is pretty much beside the point. GND would generate some economic activity, but isn’t the purpose to get right with climate and achieve other social goals?
Here’s a little more discomfort at Davos.
All the Davos attendees this year:
Just wait, muthafuckas…
“We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes.”
These wankers are too obsessed with amassing a high score in points via $ that they fail to understand that their lives would be immeasurably richer in vastly more important ways by being surrounded by a happy, healthy population that has the freedom to create explore and expand humanity’s shared experience through art, science, medicine, etc. Drives me nuts how shortsighted and stupid these people are yet very proficient in scoring “points”.
That’s OUR purpose, but it’s not THEIR purpose, which is to become richer and more powerful.
Well no shit - almost no one is going to be like - yeah - I WANT to pay more taxes. Even those who can. I mean, if they want to, the gov. does allow donations.
The point almost everybody misses - even if they understand marginal rates - is that almost nobody will pay the 70% rate. There are many, many ways to make income vanish, including perfectly legal ways. The most obvious is to give a vast sum to charity, and get some public thing with your name on it. The very wealthy already do this, because it’s nice to look like a good guy.
Also, it will have zero effect on the life of anyone making that much money whether they are paying 1% or 91% tax rate in that bracket.
The thing people miss who are making this straw man argument you’re making is that the people who want a 70% top marginal tax rate is that OF COURSE they’re also going to be removing tons of those loopholes. They are also likely going to be enacting other tax increases of other types, like increasing the corporate rate back to what it was (and removing relevant loopholes), a financial transaction tax, etc.
I agree. Were you refuting me?
Why “of course”? Who do you think put those loop holes in in the first place? In fact, for the Neo Liberal - it is perfect. You get a moral win raising taxes on the evil rich, with out actually really increasing the actual tax brought in because they are bed with them.