Deceptive packaging makes it look like you are getting 3 pens, but there's only one in the box

oooooooo that’s a nice pen


The Prime price is fucking ridiculous though. I know I didn’t pay that much for it. (And I know I overpaid because I got it at B&N.)


I’d like to know more about where this pen is sold.

If it’s on a shelf with lots of others like Bic pens, then yeah, there’s a good chance you might throw it in your cart and buy it thinking it’s three pens.

If it’s just about any other scenario that I can imagine, I think it’s designed to look cool, not deceptive.

And it was already rented by your twin brother!


and that bastard is wearing your favorite hoodie!


brides can be weird.

"I invite all of you (including the CUNTS who have ruined my marriage and life) to put yourselves in my shoes… A local psychic told us to go with the more expensive option [maybe start taking this story with a pinch of salt], and we thought why the hell not? We just needed a little push. Our dream wedding amounted to 60k — all included with flights to Aruba.

“I SPECIFICALLY, I mean SPECIFICALLY asked for cash gifts. How could we have OUR wedding that WE dreamed of without proper funding? We’d sacrificed so much and only asked each guest for around $1,500. We talked to a few people who even promised us more to make our dream come true…. Our request for $1,500 for all other guests was not fucking out of the ordinary. Like, we made it CLEAR. If you couldn’t contribute, you weren’t invited to our exclusive wedding. It’s a once and a lifetime party.”

And what’s the deal with airplane peanuts?!

One could of course look at what’s written on the box. But nah, next thing we’ll be reading ingedrient lists in food!

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It’s a Bic lokalike and it’s sold in Tiger shops, that are also selling small households items, normally with a funny twist, some tea and spices and some sweets. What they’re selling is at a pretty low price

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of misery :smiley:

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Reddit - Dive into anything is full of these.
(Oh, and that’s what Mark linked to to begin with…)

At this point, bOING bOING is simply an auxiliary of the Reddit industrial complex.

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The groom thought he was getting a harem.


I call mispeling.


Not surprising, as it looks like a cheap knockoff of the authentic traditional potato-scribers.

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Salt Lake City bridal shop?


Now I’m nostalgic for potato stamps :potato: :slightly_smiling_face:


Hell, I thought I was getting three penis’s. What a rip off.

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I once promised my girlfriend a threesome but it was just me dressed up as Dr. Manhattan.

Yep. They sure are. Liked. But technically it needed fixing.

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