Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/01/25/deepfakes-fakeapp.html
This won’t end well.
Nothing ever ends.
This would seem to sound the death knell for video as legal evidence.
Experts should still be able to find evidence of tampering. For a while anyway. Then we’re screwed.
Once again, those damn millennials have it too easy ! Back in my day, faceswapping was quite a thing :
The unhelpful thing I keep wondering: What if all these smart and creative people wanted to make the world better?
I thought it had a happy ending.
I mean, unless it leads to the world not giving a shit about sex tapes…could be liberating.
I’m slightly disturbed by this, but…this also means the eventual end of the porn industry: There is so much smut made every year, that there really isn’t anything new, is there? So now, people can just swap faces, lighting etc…and string together their own vids.
Hell, I betcha they could easily make “shot databases” with positioning and such organized for easy assembly.
Cue the inevitable lawsuits…
Eh, even photo manipulation is pretty easy to spot. Video manipulation is going to introduce the same sorts of artifacts/etc. It’s convincing to be sure, but hiding the forensics is going to be WAY harder than simply ‘looking real’. This doesn’t protect anyone from the Court of Public Opinion unfortunately.
Yeah I mean that sounds good and all, but at some point you can’t spot them. Do you think that immediately at the point that you can no longer tell that video or photographic evidence is faked that they will stop being used as evidence? I’m expecting a relatively long time between the uselessness of the evidence, and the end of its usage - especially if we create a class of forensic experts who will be able to refer to artifacts that the average user will not be able to spot.
Unfortunately, there’s probably a lot less money in that.
Random porn generator!
It will speed the transition to customized VR experiences.
This will be Trump’s story when the Russian sex tapes come out. His teeny weeny will give him away, though.
“I’m feeling lucky”
If they can swap faces…