Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/04/26/delay-to-fallout-london-mod-was-so-significant-it-warranted-bbc-coverage.html
Tamriel Rebuilt for Morrowind may have both beat, although to be fair that has been in development since before Morrowind came out over 20 years ago. Modding has become a lot more organised since then.
The Fallout 4 update, which is supposed to add official support for the Steam Deck, has broken the game on the Steam Deck.
Bethesda. Bethesda never changes.
What I’m fascinated to see about Fallout: London will be its implied pre-war:
Fallout, generally, is a perfectly competent post-apocalypse; but it’s the echos of the prewar, not just shooting supermutants, that really sell the setting. For all the fallout games the prewar has been that hypertrophied, euphoric, bellicose, hyper-americana where the post-WWII high(and some of its more sinister underbelly, except more sinister) just kept hurtling along right up to the resource wars.
We know what fallout-America looked, though, and acted like; but (in part because of what fallout-America thought and acted like) there’s very little in-canon about what the trajectories of other areas were like in fallout; and something like the UK would both be heavily influenced by the different US and have its own alternate history threads to poke at: Is Robco a thing in fallout-Britain? Did the legally-distinct Clive Sinclair hold the line? BBC micros?
What about the bomb shelters? Vault-Tec (in very broad outline) mirrors the actual American experience of those being a more or less exclusively cold war thing scratch-built for atomic civil defense scenarios. What does the situation look like in a place where that’s not true; and cold war civil defense stuff directly proceeded from WWII conventional bombing civil defense measures; further hardened? Since everything is more extreme in Fallout; is the London Underground now an astonishing(if, probably, part-ruined) fortress-city beneath a city where they just kept going bigger, deeper, and more reinforced from 1863 to 2077?
How does Porton Down compare to Mariposa?
It’s really unfortunate that the timing lined up the way it did: can’t really fault Bethesda for wanting to time the slapping of a coat of paint on the series to coincide with the TV show(and, if I’m remembering correctly, they had been shooting for an earlier release but didn’t make it); but what a gut punch for the mod team.
I saw someone predicting this elsewhere, it’s sad that it could be so reliably predicted.
This right here is why I love these forums.
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