Derails about the narrative of bans for dissenting opinions

What you suspect as a face-saving effort, I find to be sincere and consistent with the ethos of the community they have built.

Maker communities, fundamentally, value learning.

Progressive communities, fundamentally, value learning.

To quote the grand prophet Michael Diamond, “As long as I learn I will make mistakes.”

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yeppers. It was less of a comment about the article and more about the anonymous nature of the dragon with no accountability.

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That whole lot just reads like mealy mouthed rubbish to me. I’ve read Deepak Chopra that made more sense. Keep your memes. I don’t need a community, consensus or majority opinion to tell me what’s valid or true…but I’m glad you found a place to fit in.

If or whenever sense of belonging provides reassurance check to be sure you didn’t just join a religion or cult.

[quote=“miasm, post:61, topic:48128”]
either have good memes or your ideas will be crucified
[/quote]…or anyone who agrees with you gets deleted and banned.

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it would be irresponsible to not.

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Encouraging you to strengthen your debating skills, core concepts and ideas is mealy mouthed rubbish?

I’ll just put this olive branch down over here shall I?


No its a cop out but the lack of skill with which it was presented made it mealy mouthed rubbish.

Your criticism of my skill notwithstanding, please expand on the cop-outedness.

Anyone can say the other person has poor debating skills. It’s subjective.

Everyone is of a level given particular subjects and environs but when you enter a debate with a particular ruleset, gaming the introduction of memes (you can just read ‘ideas’ if you prefer) into those whom you see as not understanding your interpretation of them is one of the great joys of debate, no?

You would have to write an individual post for each individual idiot. (See Aesop who figured this out 2600 years ago)You cannot predict how everyone will perceive a post and BB is not a hive mind even if the comment sections are pruned to make it sometimes seem so.

Perhaps in some instances but then, why not?
Like I said, if you have strong sauce, you will make headway.

Damn, people will be fucking impressed if you can make them think about something in a way that hasn’t occurred to them before.

It can be difficult to represent yourself, especially when there is already a strong current of opinion on a topic, but goddamn it’s fun to actually bend someone’s philosophy with your ability to insinuate forms and structures which they are not already using.

Wow, both sides of the mouth.

I could care less to impress you but it tells me plenty that you feel I should. You’re special.

I never said I don’t make subjective comments. I said in one case it is a cop out as would be clear if you had not removed all context. Nice try though.

But what I’m saying is that if you play the language game with care and diligence, people will be impressed no matter if you care or not.

Why should I care that we are impressed by one another?

I care that debate is the lifeblood of strong ideas and promote your ability to make me question my own ideas.

Game (theory) your comments, lol Incept your ideas. You could make such glorious headway.

Bend those dissenters to your will.

The lol is for me using an Inception reference… but it’s the right word so…

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I don’t doubt your theory. I doubt your ability to judge it.

Who the fuck cares how I judge ‘it’?

Waitaminute… maybe you mean a different ‘it’, please clarify.

I influence people in exactly the manner I intend and with no regard to your approval.

Again, why should anyone be seeking anyone’s approval?

I’m encouraging you to promote your ideas in what you perceive to be an unfriendly environment in such a way as to turn people’s philosophies on their heads.

I mean, of course you are welcome to keep shouting into the wind but wouldn’t you rather ‘win’ in the minds of your dissenters?

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Doesn’t matter.