Design for a vertical city in the Sahara desert

Why is it full of white people?

And, please RSVP.

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Does it come with any reasons why you would want to live in the Sahara?

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You’ll need cash if you go to watch The Los Angeles Angels.

Oh, I’m a big fan, I think that Spec Ops is tragically underrated in terms of its ‘crumbling hypermodernity and all-consuming sand’ aesthetic(I wouldn’t necessarily say that it’s an all-time high; but it doesn’t get nearly as much attention per unit quality as, say, Bioshock’s ‘Rapture’ aesthetics).

I just would be a bit leery of living there, given the odds that I’d be an NPC.

Spice extraction, obviously. They just need to add a few landing pads for 'Thopters and they are all set.


I know nothing of these upstart colonial brush peddlers and peg-hawkers, but you have my Word as an Englishman that OXO are, in fact, purveyors of fine beef tea. BEEF TEA, Sir! Brushes? Brushes? Why, the very idea…


There are a number of errors that can occur from what I like to call ‘fixing things too hard’. I have been prone to this, and have no doubt @shaddack is equally susceptible… :smiley:


That’s a great phrase! And applicable in many areas of life…

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‘Pox Blanket Mews’

Who cares, maybe they were on sale?

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