Design suggestion box


Half-inch. Because it’s a small circle.


I’ll star my own circle, thankyouverymuch.


Lina Lamont: “People”? I ain’t “people.” I am a - “a shimmering, glowing star in the cinema firmament.”
[picks up newspaper]

Lina Lamont: It says so - right here.


How many other people read that in Lina Lamont’s unforgettable voice?

Not me – I said it aloud in Lina Lamont’s unforgettable voice.


Not me. I had to google that.

On the list of films I really should have seen but haven’t, Singing in the Rain is gradually getting up there, along with Schindler’s List and Charlie Chaplin files.

But I can’t summon too much enthusiasm.




I don’t know what to say to you. What exactly HAVE you been spending your time watching, instead? :wink:

1 Like

@codinghorror Is there any way to block us from seeing a particular users posts ever again, when they’ve said something horribly, unspeakably vile, like this filth?


@daneel - I wouldn’t spit on you if you were on fire and I had been drinking gasoline.


Okay, maybe then.


Hmm. First page of recently returned films to the library:

(and is it also bad that I’m only recently getting through Hitchcock and Kurosawa?)

The Book of Life
Rear Window
The Hidden Fortress
La Dolce Vita
22 Jump Street
NausicaÀ of the Valley of the Wind
Jodorowsky’s Dune
Guardians of the Galaxy
Rumble Fish

Oh OK then, I’ll chalk it up to an underprivileged childhood and think no more of this unholy error in judgment!


ok, so after a year or so of use without having much problems, these are the small things that still bother me about the design:

Notification of replies to a thread: the graphic-with-number-count used to indicate replies in a followed thread is also the same graphic used to indicate a reply to one of my specific posts. this is irksome. I ask that these notifications be separate, a number count specifically for replies to a particular post of mine and preferably a different graphic (but if they’re separate lines in my notifications then the graphic won’t matter as much.)

Absence of like count in notifications: If we get a running tally of thread replies, why do we only see a notification of the first person to like a post and then that’s it? I’d prefer either a count or the screen-names/avatars of each individual like to appear in the notifications. the way y’all have the notification now, my posts seem to either get only one like, or ten or 25 when I get a nice or great post badge. but if I get 2-9, I won’t know that I got them or from who unless I re-visit the thread. when I get a badge notification, this leads to

Badge notifications: “Hey, lotsa people like something I wrote. I write like fifteen posts per day, I wonder which one it was? [click notification] okaaaaay, this is a list of all the badges awarded to everyone. guess I’ll scroll down. hope I don’t miss my icon
maybe I’m doin it wrong?

but overall, Discourse continues to be great and all the changes over the years seem like they’ve all been for the better :^)

maybe not design per-sĂ© but still irksome: no video embeds/certain graphics don’t show up on BBS after hitting show full post. this is an oldie that I know I’ve spoken to Sam about back in the early days, but
 it sucks :(


I agree wholeheartedly. I simply don’t understand why I would want to see the list that gets linked to here, and There should be a way in my profile to see what posts I made got badges


oh yeah, that too!

Not really following this, graphic mockup?

Yeah I agree this could be better. We could roll it up to the last notification. The idea is you don’t want to get overwhelmed by 50 likes on 10 different posts all day long. You know, constant trickles of likes throughout the day on your posts, producing a “boy who cried wolf” effect for notifications.

Yes this is shitty. @sam we really should support filtering badges to just “yours” by now.


yeah, didn’t explain it too well, but in pic related:

the bent arrow shows that you replied to my above post, but it also indicates that 52 people replied to the awesome song thread. but if four other people replied to my above post, it would look the same as awesome song thread, i.e. [bent arrow graphic] 5 replies Design Suggestion Box. Like, what I mean is, did 52 people reply to my last post in the awesome song thread, or did the thread get 52 replies total? I want to be able to differentiate. (I know I didn’t personally get 52 whole replies, but just to illustrate the problem.)

does that make sense? Am I doing it wrong?

totally, that would also be bad. but

that sounds really good. if I take your meaning, each like would bump the notification to the top of the list? sounds great. you want to put a number next to it, too, similar to the replies–even better.

thanks pal :)

This implies you are watching the topic. If you are watching a topic you are notified of all replies, all the time. This is the default state for topics you personally created for example
 idea being, you created the topic, therefore you should (theoretically) be interested in all replies to your topic.

If you don’t want to watch a topic, change the notification state at the bottom of the topic via the notification drop-down.

Anyway “watch” state is pretty rare. It is the most extreme setting for notifications on a topic.