Did you ever want to play questions?

Is it beer o’clock already? Are you buying or is it my shout? :wine_glass: :beers:

Well the Habs Sens game was Canadian hockey for sure. Think Suban will get a suspension?

Does someone have beer in the fridge? Can we stand in the alley?

Since when is being finished like water?

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Drunk? Like a glass of water?

Unpleasantly like a, if you are prone to quoting one D. Adams?

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Yes, she directed it… isn’t it an interesting movie?

Wouldn’t that be… unethical?

You know I keep an emergency slab of beer in the storm-kit, along with water, de-hy food, gas, first aid kit and a bottle of rum?

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It’s a good question, but one we can’t answer until you* complete the coursework?

* for certain, expanded definitions of the term you?

Will I find out when I see it?

I should hope so?

How much emergency rum is there?

Is this a better gif for our conversation?

Or is this one?


Is it crazy or dumb of me to just have realized that the Eastern European barbie ladies are just ripping off drag queens?

Aren’t there only two amounts of rum and they are “too much” or “not nearly enough”?

Can we avoid this one?


Wouldn’t it have been even smarter to just avoid growing up in Cleveland?


A schoolboy error?


I got out when I could. That’s how I ended up going to high school in South Carolina.

Be careful what you ask for.



Can anyone else see a teeny-tiny little Donald Sutherland right at the back of his throat just before the camera hits his uvula and the gif cuts out?


An old, old trad song?

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Is that not my point? That there is no South Detroit because south of Detroit sits Windsor, Ontario, Canukistan?

@TobinL: Could you know that while you were watching hockey, I was playing hockey (not on TV)?