Did you ever want to play questions?

This thread? Did I blink?


Aw, dang, I missed another spammer?


Ever heard of this one weird trick to defeat spammers?


Ever hear of this one weird trick to defeat trolls?

ā€¦ban the infamous Troll in Tweed?

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Live in the UK, feel like crying?

Feel like crying now?

Arrrgh!, you know I love you guys though, right?


jeebus, again i am not sure who is worse with that stuff, the US or the UK?

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Really bad Tory policies the much maligned LibDems had stopped, part 1 in a series of eleventy billion?

Missing Nick Clegg yet?

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So what you are saying isā€¦ I should start my easier to use and harder to track than Tor darknet in Iceland sooner rather than later?


Isnā€™t there still time for Cameron to kill the UK single-handedly?

Is GCHQ as much a monumental pain in the ass as they appear to be? Or do they only keep the keys to their own manor?

Cheering up, what the fuck is this guy on?

And is he willing to share it with us?

I just tried this, can anyone spare a knee?

Arenā€™t they part of Five Eyes, so monumental is hyperbollicly small?

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As opposed to fourteen eyes?

(I have next to no knowledge of how effective any of the agencies are?)

And down again, WTF!?

Effective at preventing attacks, or effective at suppressing civil rights?

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Okay mew-tants, including @jlw, what nosql db should I choose for a project I need to Finnish tomorrow? Should I fork Mongo and name it MangoDB, since that is most delicious pleezing frewts?

(Serious question btw, except for forking mongo, I just love mangoes)

Oh, did I mention it has to hold gigs of DNS data?