Did you ever want to play questions?

Rubber button?

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Is there a map? Will you give directions? Should I have left breadcrumbs?

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Is that a concession?

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Was I not supposed to eat those?

:open_mouth: :burp:




Were you addled? What did you think they were for?

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… appetizers?


Is there a party afterwards?

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Well, I think a steampunkbanana sounds like a euphemism for something dirty.

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Who serves bread crumbs for appetizers? What am I going to do now?

No, that song is awful. She’s super cute, though! And I like her voice. But surely you agree that is a pretty stupid song?

(Of course, this has totally come on while I’ve been listening to the country-pop radio station while in the shower and now I know all the words and yes, I am now singing along with the terrible song, so I have no room to talk.)

Now, how about this? (I suggest a watch and listen. It’s great!)

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Honestly, probably not nearly as much as some might think, which might come as a surprise?

So we’re not getting a Nouvelle Cuisine dinner?

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Can I follow you around the BBS and link that video in response to everything you post?


Is that the nicest thing you’ve ever said about me?

Also, have you checked out my gears?

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Did you just spoil spoilers?


Hey, 'banana, do those pistons go all the way up?

Which is worse?

  • being stuck in an enclosed space for an hour and a half with someone whose overly-generous application of perfume has triggered your allergies?
  • being stuck in an enclosed space for an hour and a half with someone who farts intermittently?

Do you want to see the plantains?