Did you ever want to play questions?

I skipped through… AI that can find vulnerabilities in and then design patches for programs? Are they also writing the programs?


Have you seen Primer?

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Yeah, excellent, if rather wicked, suggestion… if I may say so?

Definitely in the right ball park though, does watching it for the 15th time still count as an initial viewing?

I’m not sure, did I just get out of a cardboard box?

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No but you did go into the backup box which somehow came out of box #1 before anyone had been through it forward and now I’m waiting here near box 0 waiting to give myself from the future backup box #2 which has been running since I took it from my double who tried to anaesthetise me before breakfast this morning… but which box did he… I mean I, come out of?

Did you catch Safety Not Guaranteed? It’s a little more lighthearted.


Damn, for a second there I thought I hadn’t seen it, alas… not bad, wonder what really happened to that guy?

Whilst looking for the next film I’ve been listening to this:

Like, really, if you want your mind blown this is a good place to start: We’re all living in a hologram entrained (in two dimensions) around a singularity… right?

Isn’t this where self driving cars were a few decades ago? Do you remember the first DARPA vehicle chalenges, and where they are at today? Since you skipped through, did you not note the competing teams did not write the code that the automated systems are patching?

Haven’t I read elsewhere, recently, that AI programmers are poised to totally pwn organics in the next couple of years? Is this the first inklings of such?

I’m sort of confused as to how CTF is being employed, whilst one speaker was talking, people in the audience were trying to crash a… machine, program?

Could you boil it down for this non-programmer?

While I don’t want to make so grand a statement as AI is pwning anything, isn’t this an ripe area for research? Even if it is in an infantile state, aren’t the visualization tools interesting enough? Wasn’t the program being hacked by the audience (designed by humans) one of the same ones the competing teams were tasked with creating automated systems to hack?

In the comparisons of automated systems, wasn’t there one that honed in on the exact coding error that caused a problem, while another basically kept checking the code to see if it was operating within parameters? (Wasn’t it cool to see those differences instantly, without needing to know anything about the language the program was written in?)

The visualisation was neat, is it really a new thing to visualise processes in that way?

(Or should I say sequences (of processes)?)

Wouldn’t that become even MORE dangerous under the circumstances?

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Ever since the time I was biking with a friend and both of us had our barely-toddlers with us, and her toddler’s seat BROKE about 8 miles from home along the lakefront (so, nearly a mile from access to a phone, taxi, etc.), haven’t I made sure that a phone is always with me while biking recreationally?


Yeah, but… ummmmm… does that mean I can’t complain about the heat?


Don’t we have central air, which was recently serviced and works wonderfully, and keeps our place cooler than our last domicile? But don’t I sometimes want to go outside and get some exercise?


Should I bicycle more?

Do you live near a spillway?


But the bright shiny orb, it burns us so…isn’t much nicer in the cool shade of indoors lit by comfy glow of your monitor?


How messed up is it that it’s only 8:30 am and the bright shiny orb has already caused my deodorant to fail? :sweat:


Is anyone else seeing @shaddack 's avatar in place of the wink emoticon?



Aren’t windows overrated anyway?

Isn’t it nicer to spend all day in a lab lit purely by artificial light?