Digable Planets bring the freshest old school hip-hop to THING Festival 2023

Originally published at: Digable Planets bring the freshest old school hip-hop to THING Festival 2023 | Boing Boing


Jazz and Hip Hop are the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup of music. Separately, they’re both great, but together…just something extra delicious. The Rebirth of Slick and Us3’s Cantaloop are two of my favorite tracks from that era.




I just saw this the other day and just got too caught up to remember to post it here; kudos!

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After I watched this new Digable Planets video, I went and watched the original video for Cantaloop, and now that song has been stuck in my head all day. I am completely ok with that. It’s welcome to stay parked in my brain for awhile.

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