DNA ancestry tests are bullshit

Like I said, just out of context, and I’m more talking about the sociopolitical stuff. I’m not sure about the science content. I’m just gonna have to listen to it to know more what he’s getting at.

I read an interesting article on DNA testing a while back. YMMV:

Basically, they may give you indications, but may not be 100% accurate.

You’re so right. Even with a perfect sample and reference library, DNA sequencing has error rates around 10%. Given that most people do their own sample collection for these ancestry labs, make that 30-40%. I don’t have a class 8 clean room at home…

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Are you sure they use sequencing? As far as I remember you can have specific markers without sequencing the whole genome of everyone. I stopped doing science after RFLP was invented, but I’m genuinely curious about new methods.

So… you’re agreeing with the title of this article?

I’m so confused…

(not serious, just giving you a hard time)

23&me uses NGS, which is pretty inexpensive these days and quick. Not sure about Ancestry, but if they aren’t using sequencing, then that puts their results in even more doubt.

Being Jewish, my results were practically worthless… I already know I’m from somewhere in Eastern Europe most-likely. At least now the’ll know I didn’t commit that crime.

Pro tip:

“I don’t understand this.” ≠ “This is bullshit.”

Try not to confuse the two. (-:

I thought that was the point, originally. If you get a big enough database of DNA, then you can find closer relatives.

But at least from the ads, it’s presented as a shortcut, as if the vague reply is good enough.

Take that, Mormons!

Stay away from pyres.

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